Context Clues
Types of Sentences
Authors Purpose/Point of View

When making inferences you must use...

a. clues from the text/pictures

b. what you know about the subject

c. both a and b



Miss Mayo will supervise the students while the teachers eat their lunch. Supervise means...

What is look after or watch over?

Adding this prefix to the word regular means not regular?

What is ir- (irregular)?


These types of sentences ask the questions and end with a question mark. 

What is an interrogative sentence?


AP: An author writes a recipe giving directions on how to make a cake. 

What is To Inform? 


Your sister was gone for three days on a snowboarding trip. You missed her so bad. You woke up and saw her sitting on the couch. Her leg was propped up and had a big pink cast on it. What do you think happened?

She broke her leg snowboarding (clues: cast, propped up)


Mr. Sayer and Mr. Tucker did calisthenics before the obstacle course to warm up. The definition of calisthenics is..

What is warm ups or exercises to stretch out?

A word with auto- as a root.

Bonus: what does the word meaning?

What is automatic, autopilot, autobiography?

Auto means self...


Get your feet off the table. is this type of sentence.

What is a imperative sentence or command?


POV: When the narrator is a character and telling the story. Uses pronouns like I, me, we, us. 

What is First Person Point of View?


A lady was growing tomatoes on her porch and was waiting for them to turn red so she could eat them. The neighbor kids liked to play on her porch because she had fun steps they could jump off of. The tomatoes were almost ready to eat because they were orange and turning red. One more day was all they needed. The next day the lady came home and all the red tomatoes were gone. What do you think happened to them?

Children jumped off stairs on porch and the tomatoes fell. 

Children ate them. 


Mrs. Wayles was savvy of computers and could fix them quickly. 

Savvy means...

a. tired

b. knowledgable

c. bored

b. knowledgable 


The root word bio has this meaning

What is life?


Exclamatory sentences end with this punctuation. 

What is an exclamation mark?


AP: An author writes a story with a hero who saves the day in an enchanted village. 

What is To Entertain?


You worked for your dad all day shredding papers in his office. When you got home and went to wash your hands for dinner, you noticed two small cuts on your fingers that weren’t there before. How do you think you got those cuts?



Aubrey is gregarious, unlike her sister Reagan who is quiet and shy. 

Gregarious means...

loud, social, obnoxious

The word autobiography has two prefixes which help with the meaning. 

Bonus: What is the meaning of the word?

What is auto and bio?


The doll has a ponytail with red ribbons. This sentence states a fact. 

What is a declarative sentence?


During third person point of view, this person is telling the story and not actually a part of the story. 

Who is the narrator?


The crowd roars as I step onto the field to take a few practice swings. The umpire calls for me to hurry but I am in no rush to face the most famous pitcher in the world. Who am I?

A baseball or softball player. 

Savannah Banana Player. 


The children were so fatigued they could barely eat their dinner and went to bed early. 

Fatigued means...

tired, exhausted

You add this to the end of the base/root word.

What is suffix?


How can we fix this sentence: 

I can't believe we won tickets to the Imagine Dragons concert?

Bonus: What kind of sentence is this?

What is change the question mark to an exclamation mark? 

What is an Exclamatory Sentence?

An author writes an essay about how important brushing your teeth is along with the benefits. 

What is To Persuade?