Brave Little Toaster
Are Bionic Superhumans on the Horizon?
The Automation Paradox
Heads Up, Humans

Which statement best describes Mister Toussaint’s conflict

A. Mister Toussaint loses control of his home when his trashcan takes over. 

B. Mister Toussaint’s smart refrigerator disposes of his groceries and orders new ones.

C. Mister Toussaint receives a trick product that interferes with all his smart appliances.

D. Mister Toussaint’s “stupid” toaster fails to connect with the smart appliances in his home.

C. Mister Toussaint receives a trick product that interferes with all his smart appliances.


Which quotation from the selection supports the main idea in paragraph 1, which states that we’re in the midst of a bionic revolution?

A. Tens of thousands of people have been implanted with deep brain stimulators. . . . (paragraph 3)

B. The most obvious bionics are those that replace limbs. (paragraph 4)

C. In some cases, they’re not even part of the body at all. (paragraph 8)

D. They’re going to enhance our abilities, giving us powers we never had before. . . . (paragraph 10)

A. Tens of thousands of people have been implanted with deep brain stimulators. . . . (paragraph 3)


Lines 1–2 are important because — 

A. they identify which program was used to create the virtual bouquet

B. they identify who sent and who received the virtual bouquet

C. they explain how flowers were selected for the virtual bouquet

D. they explain what was intended by the virtual bouquet

B. they identify who sent and who received the virtual bouquet


Part A
Which is the author’s central claim in “The Automation Paradox”?

A. Computer automation will likely be responsible for the loss of most jobs.

B. Computer automation should allow workers to avoid the need for advanced training.

C. Computer automation will likely increase the number of jobs in certain fields rather than decreasing them.

D. Computer automation should be welcomed like other technological advances in the past have been.

C. Computer automation will likely increase the number of jobs in certain fields rather than decreasing them.


Read this sentence from paragraph 2 of “Heads Up, Humans.”

If you’re tempted to shrug off concern about this phenomenon because you assume that the wonders of technology will somehow create new and better jobs, you should be aware that research tells another story.

What is the effect of this direct address?

A. It feels as if the author is speaking to employers.

B. It feels as if the author is speaking personally to the reader.

C. It creates a sense of distance between the author and the reader.

D. It appears that the author doesn't care about the reader’s opinion.

B. It feels as if the author is speaking personally to the reader.


Which conclusion can be drawn about the setting of the story, knowing that it belongs to the science fiction genre?

A. The story is set in the near future.

B. The story takes place in the recent past.

C. The story is set in a different dimension.

D. The story takes place on a distant planet.

A. The story is set in the near future.


Paragraphs 1 through 17 contribute to the author’s central idea by —

A. showing how the creation of superhumans would be bad for the future

B. explaining why bionic enhancements will take over the human body altogether

C. presenting evidence that answers the question in the title by the end of the article

D. arguing that people with bionic parts should be excluded from athletic competition

C. presenting evidence that answers the question in the title by the end of the article


In lines 5–8, the sender — 

A. shows how serious he is about the recipient

B. provides reasons for the recipient to reply

C. tells exactly how he feels about the recipient

D. gives specific directions for the recipient to follow

D. gives specific directions for the recipient to follow


Which quotation from “The Automation Paradox” best supports the answer to Part A? (Computer automation will likely increase the number of jobs in certain fields rather than decreasing them.)

A. It turns out that workers will have greater employment opportunities if their occupation undergoes some degree of computer automation.(paragraph 2)

B. Take the legal industry as an example. Computers are taking over some of the work of lawyers and paralegals, and they’re doing a better job of it. (paragraph 3)

C. Automation reduces the cost of a product or service, and lower prices tend to attract more customers.(paragraph 6)

D. Some trade groups are promoting skill-certification programs, which allow employers to recognize skills acquired through experience.(paragraph 11)

A. It turns out that workers will have greater employment opportunities if their occupation undergoes some degree of computer automation.(paragraph 2)


technology \tĕk-nŏl'ə-jē\ n 1. the practical application of science in a particular area 2. the scientific method used to achieve a commercial or industrial objective 3. electronic or digital products and systems 4. the body of knowledge available to a society to fashion tools

What does the word technology mean as it is used in paragraph 3 of “Heads Up, Humans”?

A. Definition 1

B. Definition 2

C. Definition 3

D. Definition 4

C. Definition 3


Which two details from the story convey that “The Brave Little Toaster” belongs to the science fiction genre?

A. Advances in technology

B. The element of time travel

C. A setting on another world

D. A puzzling situation to solve

E. Non-humans having human traits

A. Advances in technology 


E. Non-humans having human traits


Which word from paragraph 7 is an antonym for the word inert?

A. active

B. digital

C. human

D. replacement

A. active


Which two lines reveal why Robert B. sent the virtual bouquet?

A. Please find herewith as proof of my esteem (line 3)

B. highlight the print, click on Encrypt Reverse. (line 7)

C. won’t fade, stink of mortality’s decay. (line 10)

D. these on-line flowers for you will outlast Time. (line 12)

E. and does not touch your heart, then press Delete. (line 14)

A. Please find herewith as proof of my esteem (line 3)


D. these on-line flowers for you will outlast Time. (line 12)


The word automation comes from the Greek prefix auto-, meaning “self.” Based on this information, what is the best definition of the word automation as it is used in “The Automation Paradox”?

A. Technology that primarily is used within the workforce

B. Technology that involves the use of advanced computers

C. Technology that operates on its own without human support

D. Technology mostly used in factories in place of human workers

C. Technology that operates on its own without human support


Which two reasons best explain why the author included paragraph 5 in “Heads Up, Humans”?

A. According to a new report by a multi-national accounting and consulting firm based in London, 38% of U.S. jobs are at high risk of being replaced by robots and artificial intelligence over the next 15 years. (paragraph 3)

B. Shipping companies have made headlines with self-driving trucks carrying cargo across the country.(paragraph 4)

C. In the U.S., roughly 180,000 taxi drivers, 600,000 ride share drivers, and 3.5 million truck drivers could end up displaced. (paragraph 4)

D. “The last 200 years, we’ve had an incredible amount of automation,” argues MIT economist David Autor. (paragraph 6)

E. Jerry Kaplan, an artificial intelligence expert who’s founded multiple technology startups, has written a book called Humans Need Not Apply. (paragraph 8)

A. According to a new report by a multi-national accounting and consulting firm based in London, 38% of U.S. jobs are at high risk of being replaced by robots and artificial intelligence over the next 15 years. (paragraph 3)

C. In the U.S., roughly 180,000 taxi drivers, 600,000 ride share drivers, and 3.5 million truck drivers could end up displaced. (paragraph 4)


Which word helps the reader understand the meaning of the phrase quorum-sensors in paragraph 29?

A. diagnostics

B. listened

C. consternation

D. unplugged

A. diagnostics


Which sentence is the best overall central idea of the selection?

A. Bionics will enhance the human body instead of just replacing missing or broken parts.

B. Bionics will take over the human body once people are ready to become superhuman.

C. Superhumans will eventually replace people who were once considered disabled.

D. Superhumans will be created for people who can afford the bionic parts.

A. Bionics will enhance the human body instead of just replacing missing or broken parts.


Which two words in lines 3–4 contradict each other and create verbal irony?

Please find herewith as proof of my esteem
a customized, fresh, virtual bouquet

fresh & virtual


An effective argument includes....

A. Claim

B. Counterclaim

C. Opposing Claim

D. All of the above

D. All of the above


Which quotation from “Heads Up, Humans” expresses an opposing viewpoint to the author’s argument?

A. They say that people who are displaced from jobs will find new and better occupations that will be created by the economic shift. (paragraph 5)

B. Today, the new industries are unlikely to need many human bodies or minds because technology can do the work for less cost. (paragraph 7)

C. There is no evidence that recent advances in technology have so far offered the majority of workers better pay or positions. (paragraph 9)

D. It’s tempting to avoid thinking about it, especially because solutions aren’t obvious. (paragraph 11)

A. They say that people who are displaced from jobs will find new and better occupations that will be created by the economic shift. (paragraph 5)


Place each plot point in the correct category. 

(Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action)

A. Mister Toussaint is forced to unplug all his appliances.

B. Mister Toussaint discovers that LOONY GOONY has toxic ingredients.

C. Mister Toussaint is arrested for throwing LOONY GOONY in a trashcan on his way to work.

D. The brave little toaster sacrifices itself to destroy LOONY GOONY.

Rising Action: 

B. Mister Toussaint discovers that LOONY GOONY has toxic ingredients. & C. Mister Toussaint is arrested for throwing LOONY GOONY in a trashcan on his way to work.

Climax: A. Mister Toussaint is forced to unplug all his appliances.

Falling Action: D. The brave little toaster sacrifices itself to destroy LOONY GOONY.


What pattern of organization do paragraphs 17–19 use?

A. Chronological order

B. Compare and contrast

C. Question and call to action

D. Main idea and supporting details

C. Question and call to action


For which two reasons does the poet use italics throughout the poem?

A. To show that certain words are intended to describe functions of a computer

B. To create irony by contrasting technical language with romantic language

C. To emphasize the effectiveness of email as a form of communication

D. To suggest that a virtual bouquet is more beautiful than real flowers

E. To draw attention to the benefits of using technology for private messages

A. To show that certain words are intended to describe functions of a computer

B. To create irony by contrasting technical language with romantic language


(1) “The Automation Paradox” by James Bessen examines the effects of technology in the workforce. (2) Some people fear that the increased use of computers and other high-tech tools will result in higher unemployment levels. (3) Bessen suggests that the opposite will be the most likely result. (4) He believes that automation could provide greater opportunities for workers in high-skill professions. (5) It will require some workers to gain new skills to meet the demands of a changing workforce.

What is the most effective way to revise sentence 5 to include a transition word or phrase?

A. However it will require some workers to gain new skills to meet the demands of a changing workforce.

B. However, it will require some workers to gain new skills to meet the demands of a changing workforce.

C. For example it will require some workers to gain new skills to meet the demands of a changing workforce.

D. For example, it will require some workers to gain new skills to meet the demands of a changing workforce.

B. However, it will require some workers to gain new skills to meet the demands of a changing workforce.


Which sentence effectively uses the active voice?

A. It is feared that our reliance on computers and other forms of technology will increase unemployment levels.

B. Many people fear that our reliance on computers and other forms of technology will increase unemployment levels.

C. Our reliance on computers and other forms of technology will increase unemployment levels is a fear of many people.

D. Many people fear that increased unemployment levels will be caused by our reliance on computers and other forms of technology.

B. Many people fear that our reliance on computers and other forms of technology will increase unemployment levels.