Parts of Speech
Literature 2.0
I often had to stop to adjust the weight; because I was so uncomfortable. What is the best way to revise the sentence above? F Because I was so uncomfortable I often had to stop to adjust the weight. G I often had to stop to adjust the weight and it was because I was so uncomfortable. H Because I often had to stop to adjust the weight; I was so uncomfortable. J I often had to stop to adjust the weight because I was so uncomfortable.
J I often had to stop to adjust the weight because I was so uncomfortable.
I always completed my daily walk. Regardless of the weather conditions. What is the best way to combine the sentences above? A I regardless of the weather conditions, always completed my daily walk. B Regardless of the weather conditions; I always completed my daily walk. C I always completed my daily walk, and regardless of the weather conditions. D Regardless of the weather conditions, I always completed my daily walk.
D Regardless of the weather conditions, I always completed my daily walk.
Some days a gentle breeze cooled my face, providing incouragement to continue. Which underlined word is spelled incorrectly? F gentle G providing H incouragement J continue
What is H incouragement
Which of these was a problem for Dr. Nosker when he melted down a mix of plastics? A Everything melted too quickly. B None of the plastic was strong. C He did not receive enough donated plastic. D Each plastic melted at a different temperature.
What is D Each plastic melted at a different temperature.
In the poem, students are in conflict with F the need for technology. G their boredom. H the forces of nature. J their teachers.
What is H the forces of nature
We also paid extra money to have added underneath the picture the name of our school on the front. What is the best way to write Sentence 6? F We also paid extra money to have the name added of our school on the front underneath the picture. G We also paid extra money to have the name of our school added underneath the picture on the front. H We also paid extra money to have on the front the name of our school added underneath the picture. J We also paid extra money to have underneath the picture added the name of our school on the front.
What is G We also paid extra money to have the name of our school added underneath the picture on the front.
More importantly I realized how much the settlers sacrificed in hopes of improving their lives. What is the correct way to write this sentence using a comma? A More importantly, I realized how much the settlers sacrificed in hopes of improving their lives. B More importantly I realized, how much the settlers sacrificed in hopes of improving their lives. C More importantly I realized how much, the settlers sacrificed in hopes of improving their lives. D More importantly I realized how much the settlers sacrificed, in hopes of improving their lives. TNR20363
What is A.More importantly, I realized how much the settlers sacrificed in hopes of improving their lives.
First a student must learn to strike a steady beat on the drum while holding it. Which meaning of strike is used in the sentence above? F to take a certain course G to delete something H to discover something J to come into contact with 
What is J to come into contact with
According to the passage, Dr. Nosker began to solve his main problem by F using eighty percent milk jugs and detergent bottles. G testing plastic forks to find out how strong they were. H mixing different types of plastic in different amounts. J trying to build a small bridge from his melted plastics.
What is H mixing different types of plastic in different amounts.
What is the implied theme of this poem? A People should work together to complete difficult tasks. B Effort is required to maintain focus and determination. C A prepared person can overcome any challenge. D Nature can disrupt planned events and activities.
What is D Nature can disrupt planned events and activities.
Which sentence correctly uses a subordinate conjunction? F Even though her room was such a mess, Carmen’s mother told her she couldn’t visit her friend until it was clean. G Craig looked on top of his bookshelf, whereas his pet hamster likes to hide when it has escaped its cage. H Even if I baby-sit every Saturday for the next month, I still won’t have enough money to buy the new video game. J Louisa will do her homework while her brother has finished practicing his trumpet for his upcoming concert.
What is H Even if I baby-sit every Saturday for the next month, I still won’t have enough money to buy the new video game.
We would like to know when our order will arrive the order confirmation number is #BN-439. What is the best way to correct this run-on sentence? . A We would like to know when our order will arrive, the order confirmation number is #BN-439. . B We would like to know when our order will arrive; the order confirmation number is #BN-439. . C We would like to know when our order will arrive, but the order confirmation number is #BN-439. . D We would like to know when our order will arrive; however the order confirmation number is #BN-439.
What is B We would like to know when our order will arrive; the order confirmation number is #BN-439.
Then they are skillfully painted with beautiful designs. What does skillfully mean in this sentence? . A able to study . B acting in a manner requiring ability . C able to care for . D not having the ability to do
What is B acting in a manner requiring ability
Which detail from the passage best shows that Dr. Nosker accomplished his goal of producing a strong, stiff recycled plastic? A Today there is a forest-service bridge made of recycled plastic. B Dr. Nosker melted different kinds of plastic to make lumber. C In the future, Dr. Nosker hopes to make artificial bone. D Because of its strength, wood makes a good building material.
What is A Today there is a forest-service bridge made of recycled plastic.
But the rain, with a mind of its own, Beats against our wooden windows. And pit-a-pat we hear it say: “I have a rain forest to fill And grass to keep green! I will rain till I’m through. In these lines, the author uses personification to indicate that the F rain is more powerful than anything experienced before. G windows of the school are similar to the rain. H rain has desires and feelings of its own. J sound of the rain creates its own melody.
What is H rain has desires and feelings of its own
Keeping the water safe in the hot, dry desert inside the plant helps the cactus survive. Choose the best placement for the underlined phrase. A Keeping the water in the hot, dry desert safe inside the plant helps the cactus survive. B Keeping the water safe helps the cactus survive in the hot, dry desert inside the plant. C Keeping the water safe inside the plant helps the cactus survive in the hot, dry desert. D correct as is
What is C Keeping the water safe inside the plant helps the cactus survive in the hot, dry desert.
I could not open my locker my sweater was caught in the hinge. What is the correct way to revise this run-on sentence? F I could not open my locker because my sweater was caught in the hinge. G I could not open my locker though my sweater was caught in the hinge. H I could not open my locker, so my sweater was caught in the hinge. J I could not open my locker, my sweater was caught in the hinge.
What is F I could not open my locker because my sweater was caught in the hinge.
He wondered, could mixed plastics be made into a substitute for wood? What does the word substitute mean? F a strong material used for building G one thing used in place of another H something that has been recycled J a new way of doing something
What is G one thing used in place of another
Which sentence best summarizes this passage? F Many scientists were looking for new ways to recycle trash, so Dr. Tom Nosker used old items to make different objects. G Dr. Tom Nosker experimented with different mixtures of melted plastics until he came up with a building material as strong as wood. H Since plastic can be as strong as wood, Dr. Tom Nosker decided to make things like fences and tables from it. J Dr. Tom Nosker asked for empty plastic containers to use for his experiment.
What is G Dr. Tom Nosker experimented with different mixtures of melted plastics until he came up with a building material as strong as wood.
The author wrote this poem most likely to F share a pleasant memory. G explain what schools are like. H express the importance of education. J inform about a different kind of school.
What is F share a pleasant memory
Courteous phone manners should apply; whether speaking on a telephone in the privacy of your home or on a cell phone in public. Which is the best way to revise the sentence? . A Courteous phone manners should apply and this includes whether speaking on a telephone in the privacy of your home or on a cell phone in public. . B Whether speaking on a telephone in the privacy of your home or on a cell phone in public this means that courteous phone manners should apply. . C Courteous phone manners should apply speaking whether on a telephone in the privacy of your home or on a cell phone in public. . D Whether speaking on a telephone in the privacy of your home or on a cell phone in public, courteous phone manners should apply.
What is D Whether speaking on a telephone in the privacy of your home or on a cell phone in public, courteous phone manners should apply.
This type of band is made up of brass instruments. The band includes tubas and trombones, as well as wind instruments, including clarinets and accordions. Which is the best way to combine these sentences? . A This type of band is made up of brass instruments which includes tubas, and trombones, as well as wind instruments including clarinets, and accordions. . B This type of band is made up of brass instruments; and the band includes tubas and trombones, as well as wind instruments, including clarinets and accordions. . C This type of band is made up of brass instruments, it includes tubas and trombones, as well as wind instruments, including clarinets and accordions. . D This type of band is made up of brass instruments, including tubas and trombones, as well as wind instruments, including clarinets and accordions.
What is D This type of band is made up of brass instruments, including tubas and trombones, as well as wind instruments, including clarinets and accordions.
So in the dark room we nod and doze Which of these means the same as doze? F learn G sleep H agree J move
What is G sleep
The speaker of the poem hints that the classroom has no F electrical power. G desks. H teaching materials. J windows.
What is F electrical power
A sixth grade student was asked to complete a science project with a partner. What is the best way for the students to proceed? F The student with less homework should do the work. G The student who is better at science should do the work. H The pair should have equal tasks in completing the work. J The pair should play a game to determine who does the work.
What is H The pair should have equal tasks in completing the work.