This famous astronomer was charged with heresy by the Church for promoting Copernicus’ heliocentric theory.
This person theorized that the earth circles the sun.
Nicolaus Copernicus
He believed that human nature was untrustworthy and that people ought to give up some individual rights in exchange for stability and order.
Thomas Hobbes
This person created the first encyclopedia.
Denis Diderot
Catherine the Great was the empress of this country
What theory did Sir Isaac Newton develop that was instrumental in understanding planetary motion?
The Law of Universal Gravitation
This person discovered that planets move in elliptical orbits.
These were Locke’s three “natural rights”
life, liberty, and property
This Enlightenment philosopher’s ideas inspired the separation of powers in the U.S. government into three different branches
Baron de Montesquieu
These are peasants that are tied to a specific piece of land.
Edward Jenner produced the world’s first vaccination to fight this disease.
What is the geocentric theory?
The theory that the sun circles the earth.
Which governmental system did Cesare Beccaria wish to reform?
The justice system
_______________ was a new type of artistic style that was heavily influenced by the enlightenment as well as Greek and Roman ideas.
Frederick the Great ruled _____.
This is a series of steps for forming and testing theories, based on experimentation, logic, reason and observation.
The Scientific Method
Name one person that invented a thermometer.
Fahrenheit or Celsius
Unlike most Enlightenment philosophers, she believed that women should be well-educated and politically aware.
Mary Wollstonecraft
What group of people was most influenced by enlightenment ideas?
The middle class
This ruler of Austria was the most progressive of the Enlightened despots— he even abolished serfdom in his nation— but nearly all of his reforms were undone after his death.
Joseph II
This person created one of the most important anatomy books. He is considered the father of modern anatomy.
Andreas Vesalius
Most medieval scholars based their beliefs on ___________.(Hint: a person)
This Enlightenment philosopher was so outspoken in his support of free speech that he was imprisoned several times
According to Rousseau, ________________ is the best form of government.
direct democracy
List three Enlightenment-inspired reforms carried out by Frederick or Catherine
improved education,
reduced censorship,
reformed the justice system,
improved infrastructure,
abolished torture,