The voyage from Africa across the Atlantic Ocean.
What is the Middle Passage?
What are the living conditions enslaved people endured
What is most slaves lived in small dirt-floor cabins with few furnishings?
This person was born free in New York, but was captured in D.C. and sold into slavery in New Orleans for 12 years.
Who is Solomon Northrop?
Parts of the Compromise of 1850 that benefited the North and South.
What is people in new territories could decide the issue of slavery?
The state that was admitted to the Union as a result of the Compromise of 1850.
What is California?
What are spirituals?
What are a form of religious expression, songs?
Many states passed these strict laws to to control slaves' actions.
What is Slave Codes?
Abolitionist who publisher of "The Liberator", helped form the American Anti-Slavery Society.
Who is William Lloyd Garrison?
Effect Fugitive Slave Act had on people in the North.
What is Northerners were outraged by treatment of fugitive slaves?
The proposed law to ban slavery in any territories won from Mexico.
What is the Wilmot Proviso?
Slaves who were _____________ could earn enough money to buy their freedom.
What is working at skilled jobs?
What is Family?
_________________ published a newspaper called the North Star and wrote several autobiographies to show the injustices of slavery.
Who is Frederick Douglass?
What actions did Congress take concerning slavery between 1836 and 1844?
Used a gag rule to block members from discussing antislavery petitions
Attitudes in the United States about ending slavery.
What is workers in North thought ending slavery would cost them their jobs?
What is 10-20% or up to 1.5-2 million?
Reason Nat Turner thought his revolt was justified.
What is he believed God had told him to end slavery. He believed attempting to end slavery was a caused worth dying for?
Reason that Frederick Douglass and Sojourner Truth became such effective abolitionist speakers.
What is both had been slaves themselves. People were interested in hearing how slaves' lives really were?
The state where Nat Turner's rebellion took place.
Former slave that wrote autobiographies that were intended to show the injustices of slavery.
Who is Frederick Douglass?
What is the reason why plantation owners began using enslaved Africans as a labor force?
What isMany native laborers died from European diseases; Africans had already developed immunity to European diseases; Plantation owners required a large number of laborers.
Three types of work done by enslaved people on plantations.
What is Field hands--worked in cotton fields; Planter's home--took care of food and kids; Skilled laborers--learned a trade?
Who was one of the most famous conductors on the Underground Railroad, where did they lead people?
Who is Harriet Tubman, she led them to free states where they may have then gone to Canada.
Having interest of one group or region over the interest of the entire country.
What is sectionalism?
Describes the five provisions of the Compromise of 1850.
What is California would enter as a free state; Mexican Cession would allow the issue of slavery to be decided by popular sovereignty; Texas gave up land east of upper Rio Grande; Slave trade, but not slavery would end in the nation's capital; A more effective fugitive slave law would be passed.