List three natural disasters
Tsunamis, Tornado, Landslide, Thunderstorm, Flood, Wildfire, Earthquakes, Drought
How many days does it take to complete one revolution
365 days
List 3 natural resources.
Oil, Plants, Minerals, Air, Water, Soil, Coal
What is a richness of different kinds of living things in a region called?
What are 4 ways humans change their landscape?
agricultural, deforestation, dam building, or through roads, mines, tunnels, settlements,
Name 2 goods we might not have access to due to a natural disaster.
Electricity, Shelter, Food, Water, Phone service
What are the four seasons?
winter, spring, summer, autumn
Give me two examples of a raw material
steel, oil, corn, grain, gasoline, lumber, forest resources, plastic, natural gas, coal, and minerals.
What is a loss of forest coverage in a region called?
Where can most of the Earth’s freshwater be found?
Icecaps and glaciers
Name three things Natural Disasters can cause.
Financial Hardship, Loss of employment, Homes and other buildings destroyed, Unable to get supplies from stores, Delay of school (if school building is affected), Loss of income for businesses, Loss of utilities such as electricity and water, Loss of life
what's the weather like in the summer and what's the lengths of the days?
warm temperatures, longest days
In the Past people used natural resources as?
What is the introduction of harmful materials into the environment called?
name 3 renewable resources
biomass energy (such as ethanol), hydropower, geothermal power, wind energy, and solar energy.
An Earthquake in the Ocean cause what type of Natural disaster?
what's the weather like in the winter and what's the lengths of the days?
Cold temperatures, short days
Which country has the most oil in the world?
What is the prevention of wasteful use of a resource called?
Name 2 nonrenewable resources
oil, natural gas, coal, and nuclear energy
Name the three different types of Tectonics Places
Divergent, Convergent, Transform
What should you wear in Australia in June? 
Flip flops
What is the difference between renewable and nonrenewable resources?
Once nonrenewable resources are used up, they are gone forever
What is the use of natural resources that is not destructive to the environment and society called?
Sustainable Use
What are 3 types of pollutants?
Water, Air, Soil, Light