Distance (km/m/cm)
Mass (kg/g)
Capacity (L/mL)
Place Value
Word Problems

1 km 30 m = ______ m

1,030 m


23 kg 55 g = ______ g

23,055 g


200 L 350 mL = ______ mL

200,350 mL


1 cm * ______ = 1 meter



Aiden drank 3 L 600 mL of blue gatorade this week. Kaden drank 2,450 mL of red gatorade this week. How many millileters of gatorade did Kaden and Aiden drink together?

6,050 mL of gatorade


1,425 cm = ____ m _____ cm

14 m 25 cm


5,006 g = ____ kg _____ g

5 kg 6 g


62,090 mL = ___ L ___ mL

62 L 90 mL


1 ___ * 1,000 = 1 Liter

milliliter (mL)


Jayleen biked 3 km 720 m on Monday. She then biked 1,250 m less on Tuesday than on Monday. How far did Jayleen bike on Tuesday?

Jayleen biked 2,470 m (or 2 km 470 m) on Tuesday


how many centimeters are in 1 kilometer?

100,000 cm


How many grams are in 7,210 kilograms?

7,210,000 g


How many millileters are in 24 liters of gatorade?

24,000 millileters

Fill in a >, <, or =

4,229 m _____ 422,900 cm



Ms. Player can bench press 67 kg 500 g at the gym. Mr. Huynh can bench press 15,300 g more than Ms. Player. How much weight can Ms. Player and Mr. Huynh bench press together?

They can bench press 150,300 g (or 150 kg 300g).

Step 1: Convert 67 kg 500 g to 67,500g

Step 2: Add 15,300 to 67,500 to find out that Mr. Huynh can bench press 82,800 g.

Step 3: Add Ms. Player and Mr. Huynh together!


8 m 52 cm + 95 cm = ___ m ____ cm

(Express the answer in meters AND centimeters)

9 m 47 cm


Brianna wants a small dog that weighs 5 kg 300 g. Rachelle wants a bigger dog that weighs 12 kg. How much do their future dogs weigh together?

17 kg 300 g (or 17,300 g)


Express the answer in the smaller unit:

22 L – 3 L 10 mL

18,990 mL


Order the following units from least to greatest:

523 L 6 mL 

52,600 mL

52 L 450 mL

523,060 mL

Least:        1. 52,400 mL

                 2. 52 L 450 mL

                 3. 523 L 6 mL

Greatest:    4. 523,060 mL


A marathon is 42 km 195 m long. Breanna and Gulnaz decide to try running a marathon, but in the end, they both have to stop along the way. Breanna stops after 25 km 200 m. Gulnaz is able to run 3,700 km farther than Breanna before stopping. How much further would Gulnaz need to run to complete the marathon? 

Gulnaz would need to to run 13,295 m further to complete the marathon.

Step 1: Convert 42 km 195 m = 42,195 m and 25 km 200 m = 25,200 m. 

Step 2: Add 25,200 m + 3,700 m to find that Gulnaz runs 28,900 m

Step 3: Subtract 42,195 m - 28,900 m to find how much further Gulnaz must run to hit a marathon!


67 km 240 m − 9 km 779 m

(express the answer in MIXED UNITS)

57 km 461 m


14 kg 505 g – 4,288 g = ______ g

10,217 g


Express the answer in mixed units:

7 L 425 mL – 547 mL = ____ L _____ mL

6 L 878 mL


Order the following measurements from GREATEST to LEAST.

3 km 

33,250 cm

3,200 m 45 cm

330 m 80 cm

Greatest:    1. 3,200 m 45 cm       (= 320,045 cm)

                  2. 3 km                      ( = 300,000 cm)

                  3. 33,250 cm 

Least          4. 330 m 80 cm          (= 33,080 cm)


The gas tank in Alexandra’s car can hold up to 70 liters. She adds 23 liters 825 milliliters of gas to the tank, which already has 2,000 milliliters of gas in it. How much more gas can Alexandra add to the gas tank?

Alexandra can add 44,175 more mL to the tank.

Step 1: Convert 70 L = 70,000 mL and 23 L 825 mL = 23,825 mL

Step 2: 2,000 mL + 23,825 mL = 25,825 mL in the tank

Step 3: 70,000 mL - 25,825 = 44,175 more gas can be added