Which lobe of the brain controls hearing & speech?
What muscle separates the thorax and the abdominal cavity?
What is the medical term for blood in the urine?
Which type of vertebrae is the most superior?
The visible part of the tooth is?
The passageway between the mouth and the lungs is known as?
An athlete experiences a throat laceration, what should you do?
control bleeding & maintain airway (activate EMS)
Stretching of the brachial plexus is also known as?
burner or stinger
Severe bleeding in the brain is called?
Intracranial hematoma
An athlete takes a severe blow to the thorax region during a match. What is ONE of the two heart conditions we should be concerned about?
Cardiac tamponade & Aortic rupture
Name a hollow organ.
bladder, intestines, stomach and appendix
The most posterior process of the vertebrae is called the?
spinus process (bony part of the spine)
An athlete gets in a collision but refers to the pain on the opposite side of where the injury occurred, this would be classified as?
Presence of blood in the pleural cavity is known as?
An athlete suffering from a spleen injury may experience referred pain where?
Left shoulder
Excessive rounding of the thoracic region of the spine is known as?
How many concussions must an athlete experience before being pulled for one full year?
Several rib fractures is referred to as?
Flail chest
A patient comes in to the ER in extreme pain between the navel and the hip. Patient also exhibits nausea, vomiting & fever. What is your medical diagnosis?
Appendicitis (pain at McBurney's point)
A bony condition where a vertebrae slips forward on another is called?