Natural Revelation
Divine Revelation
Patriarchs & Matriarchs
Creation & the Fall

The stars in the sky, the immensity of the earth's oceans, a sunrise, snowflakes falling, are examples of what kind of natural revelation?

Nature or God's creation


All of the books of the Bible were created through a process called...

Biblical inspiration


He entered into a covenant with God, receiving the promised land of Canaan and many descendants? 

Who is Abraham


How many versions of the Creation stories are there in the Old Testament?



The word bible means...

Books or library of books


People we know who show courage, wisdom, compassion and unconditional love are examples of what kind of natural revelation?

Inspiring relationships


When God is revealed to us from generation to generation, beginning with the Apostles, and passed down to us through 2,000 years of popes and bishops, we call this:

Apostolic Tradition


She laughed at God's promise that she would have a child in her old age; a year later she gave birth to a son.

Who is Sarah.


The action of Adam and Eve disrupting a perfect union with God is often referred to as...

Original Sin


How many books are there in the Old Testament (Catholic version of the Bible)



We are attracted to beauty, goodness and truth in our world, but our experience of these often falls short of perfection. These are examples of what kind of natural revelation?

Deep longings and desires (which lead us toward God)


The mystery of Jesus' life, death, Resurrection and Ascension into heaven is called the ____ mystery.

What is the "Paschal Mystery"


She gave birth to twin boys and favored the youngest, so he would receive the older son's inheritance.

Who is Rebekah.


What is the pattern of human & divine covenant in the Old Testament? There is no pattern? or....

Covenants are made only once.

Covenants are never broken.

Covenants are made, broken and renewed.

Covenants are made, broken and renewed.


What term describes the pattern of specific events in human history in which God clearly reveals his presence and saving actions?

Salvation history


When someone uses logic and intellect to come to the conclusion that God exists is an example of what kind of natural revelation?

Human reason


The church leaders (the pope and bishops) who pass on all that God has revealed to us, are called the:

the Magisterium (= the Teachers)


He was sold into slavery by his jealous brothers, but rises to a position of authority, whereby he can save his family from famine in Egypt

Who is Joseph.


Which term describes the sin which corrupts society and its institutions over time by creating structures of sin (like racism, sexism, etc.)

Social Sin


Which of these events make up salvation history?
Jesus' life and death

Jesus' Resurrection

Jesus' Ascension into heaven

All of the above


Name the 4 ways of Natural Revelation which we use to know about God

nature or creation, deep longings or desires, inspiring relationships, and human reason


What (or who) is the fullness of Divine Revelation?

Jesus Christ 


He struggled with sibling rivalry, tricked several people to get ahead, and received the nickname "Israel".

Who is Jacob.


Go to Confession! In order to return to a full relationship with God after we lapse in our faith, betray God's trust, or abuse our freedom, we must:

Admit our faults, demonstrate sorrow for our sin, and be willing to repent


What term describes God becoming human in the person of Jesus, the Son of God (hint: Juan wants to become a goldfish so he can ...)

Incarnation (carne= flesh)