Something on a heroic scale
What is epic?
A friend or comrade who supports the hero archetype
What is ally?
To assemble for action or movement
What is mobilize?
To make the morally right decision despite the cost
What is integrity?
Frodo must destroy a magic ring by throwing it into a volcano
What is a quest?
Gods are this.
What is divine?
An error
What is a blunder?
A "bull in a china shop" is an idiom describing this action.
What is rampage?
Living a life of virtues, not vices.
What is arete?
The Shang dynasty would use oracle bones to determine the most fortunate day to plant crops.
What is auspicious?
Vastly important.
What is cosmic?
Explains the unexplainable.
What is a myth?
Medics perform CPR for this reason.
What is revive?
If you're clever enough to manipulate people, you are this.
What is able to get people to do what you want?
Comedians use this, as well as soldiers and White House press secretaries.
What is wits?
To be a sage is to be this.
What is wise?
To accept that others are more skilled than you at some things.
What is humility?
If I am longing for a peppermint mocha, I could substitute this word for "longing."
What is pine?
Victory in battle means you are this.
What is triumphant?
Bigfoot probably moves this way.
What is lumber(ing)?
Feeling the worst you've ever felt because of your circumstances.
What is wretched?
To obey the law carefully and still break it; or to break a law in such a way that you obey it
What is a loophole?
When a boulder falls on Wile E. Coyote, he probably will walk this way.
What is stagger?
To be a comrade is to be this.
A loyal friend, partner, ally.
Kryptonite causes this in Superman.
What is vulnerability?