How many total cervical vertebrae are there?
Which pathway carries fine touch and light pressure?
DCML or dosal column medial lemniscal
This type of reflex does not require the brain to elicit a response?
simple somatic reflex
Sally fell 20 feet from a ladder and following the fall was unable to move or feel any sensation below her shoulders, what area of the spinal cord was affected?
Cervical Spinal Cord
This letter best represents how the grey matter of the spinal cord looks like
What is the name of hole by which the spinal cord runs down the vertebrae?
Vertebral Foramen
This is where axons decussate for the corticospinal tract?
What type of receptor is involved in a monosynaptic stretch reflex?
muscle spindle
Brent presents with rapid onset paralysis of her lower extremities. Upon examination, it is observed that she has lost temperature, pain, and crude touch perception bilaterally below T10 but fine touch sensation
remains intact. Where is the lesion located?
In T9 in the anterior column
This horn in the spinal cord carries sensory information?
Dorsal Horn
How many spinal nerves are there?
Where is the cell body located for the anterolateral system?
Dorsal Root Ganglion
When you step on something sharp what is the reflex that makes you withdraw your foot?
Polysnpatic withdrawal reflex
Christopher Reeves sustained a C1-C2 burst fracture after falling off a horse which paralyzed him from the shoulders down, which spinal nerves were affected by this injury?
Spinal nerve 1-3
In this region the spinal cord has the lateral horn?
Thoracic region
This structure is the most inferior structure of the spinal cord
Conus Medularis
What portion of the spinal cord is supplied with blood via the anterior spinal artery?
The anterior 2/3's of the spinal cord
If you had a disease that destroyed all your interneurons that contracts muscle fibers, what reflex would be affected?
Polysynaptic Withdrawl Reflex
Multiple Sclerosis causes the degeneration of the myelin that surround axons, what part of the spinal cord would be affected?
white matter. all of the columns within the white matter
This type of information is carried by the ventral ramus
motor and sensory
What is the name of the group of nerves that is located at the cervical enlargement?
Brachial Plexus
Where does the all of the spinocerebellar pathway decussate?
Trick question, some of it runs ipsilaterally and some decussate at the spinal cord level
An easy one for 500 points, what reflex responds to tendon tension being too high?
Golgi Tendon Reflex
What is the scientific name for C1 and C2?
C1: Atlas
C2: Axis
This area is where the spinal nerves emerge from the spinal cord?
intervertebral foramen