Children's Books
Literacy in the Classroom
Emergent Writing
Read Alouds

In what types of classrooms should teachers make a point to include books representing diverse characters?



At what age should teachers introduce non-fiction stories to their students?



Should teachers correct children's pencil grasps?

No. This may inhibit and discourage children from trying to write.


What is always the first step of a read aloud?

Book introduction (why it was chosen, summary, title, author)


What is a tier-2 (or 50-cent) word?

Tier 2 words are words that are frequently used in writing and across different subjects, but are less common in speech.


What is the most important quality of an informational text?

That it is accurate and up-to-date.


What are two ways you can expect an infant to explore and engage with a book?

Mouthing, patting, crumpling, chewing, look at pictures


True or false: Teachers should not correct children's incorrect use of language when taking dictation.

True, they should write the words exactly as they are spoken.


When choosing a book for a read aloud, which is more important: (1) that it addresses your lesson objectives or (2) that it is engaging?

Engaging, always!


Define a "distancing" question in relation to shared book reading.

Ask children to relate book content to their lives.


Name one idea for creating a nontraditional book to engage emergent readers (e.g., container books).

Homemade big books; plastic zipper-bag boooks, block books, story totes...(p. 66-67 naeyc text)

Name five items/materials you might place in the writing area.

Variety of writing implements; paper, name cards; alphabet chart; stickers; computer keyboard; fine motor activities; mini chalkboards/dry erase boards; magnadoodle; letter stamps...

What are three different fine motor activities you could do with beads? (can be appropriate for younger or older kids)
stringing; transferring with tongs; gluing on paper; sorting by color/shape/size; patterning; drop into hole in container

In conducting an interactive read aloud, what are three methods to teach the selected vocabulary words?

Point to the picture; act out the word, if relevant; provide a child-friendly definition; connect the word to children's lives; use the word in other areas and times throughout the day


Name two children's books categorized as "predictable."

The Mitten; Where the Wild Things Are; Ten Red Apples; Three Billy Goats Gruff; Harold and the Purple Crayon...


Explain the concept of "mirrors" and "windows" as relates to literature.

Mirrors = you see yourself in the book; Windows = allow you to see into the life of someone different from you


Name two of the five predictors of early literacy.

1.Oral language

2.Phonemic awareness

3.Alphabet awareness

4.Concepts about print

5.Early writing with inventive spelling


What are three specific ways you can incorporate writing into your daily schedule?

Signing in; sign-up sheets for popular centers or items; putting their name on their artwork; place writing materials in centers throughout the class; journaling

Name three differences between "regular" read alouds and interactive read alouds.

Purpose; How book is chosen; What it allows you to model; Planned out or not planned out; When discussion occurs; How many times you read it; How many times you stop mid-story....


Most books are not written as first-person narratives but from _____________ points of view.



Name three red flags to watch for that signify potential bias in a children's book.

Stereotypes, Tokenism, Invisibility, Power disparities, Loaded words, author is not same culture as characters


Define "interactive writing."

Interactive writing is a dynamic, collaborative literacy event in which children and teacher actively compose together. Children take over or “share the pen” with the teacher when instructed.


According to our More than Letters textbook, what are three of the six stages of writing?

scribbling; linear/repetitive drawing; letterlike forms; letters and early words; invented spelling; standard spelling


In addition to "doing the voices," name three strategies to incorporate to make a read aloud engaging.

Choose a good book; sound effects; Gestures; Facial expressions; change volume; change pitch; change speed; incorporate child participation (call outs, motor movements); use props; allow questions and interjections


(1) What are the two types of dual language learners and (2) how does their development of a second language differ?

Simultaneous DLLS learn and speak both at the same time; may combine languages. Sequential DLLs learns one than the other. Likely to have a silent period where they do not use the second language and more mistakes down the line.