Fire Safety
General Safety
Body Positions
Patient Mobility
The number one cause of health facility fires
What is smoking
A protective device that a resident cannot release on his own
What is a restraint
Common sitting-in-bed position
What is Fowler's position
What I will ask my patient when I sit her up and have her dangle her legs?
What is "Are you dizzy?"
A feeling of tiredness or weariness
What is fatigue

Terms for 

1. Increases the angle between two body parts or bones, such as straightening a limb at a joint

2. Decreases the angle between two body parts or bones, such as bending a limb at a joint

3. A circular movement around a fixed point, such as internal or external rotation at the shoulder

What is extension, flexion, and rotation. 

What are the steps in PASS
What are: Pull the pin Aim low Squeeze handle Sweep from side to side
The technique of standing and moving one's body using the strongest muscles to avoid fatigue and injury.
What is proper body mechanics
Position laying flat on abdomen
What is prone
Where I will instruct my resident to put his hand on me as we transfer from a sitting to a standing position
What is "my arm"
To return the patient to the highest level of function while maintaining that have not been lost.
What is the goal of rehabilitation

This action needs to take place whenever a nurse is helping a client to transfer. 

What is: Ensure that the wheels are locked (bed, wheelchair etc...); assess for dizziness with position change; Always follow the doctors activity order.

Heat, fuel and oxygen
What are 3 elements required for a fire
Must be disposed of in an approved red container
What is "sharps"

Position commonly used for giving enema

What is Sim's position or modified left recumbent?

Device used to assist with transferring an immobile patient from a bed to a chair
What is a mechanical lift
Person trained with a special degree to instruct and assist the patient with performing activities of daily living
What is occupational therapist

Walker safety includes:

What is:

Using a gait belt when ambulating pt.

The walker should move 6-12 inches with each step

Not using a walker to go up and down the steps

Wheeled walker is more difficult to use, because it does not stay in one place as easily. The client must be carefully taught to lean on this walker before shifting their weight, to prevent the walker from rolling away, causing a fall.

Used to extinguish paper products, wood and household garbage
What is Type A Fire Extinguisher
HIV can only be transmitted through these bodily fluids
What is blood, sexual secretions and breast milk
Position laying flat on back
What is supine

MSDS provide what information.

What is detailed information about a chemical substance, including its potential health hazards, physical properties, reactivity, proper handling procedures, emergency response actions, storage requirements, and personal protective equipment needed when working with the substance

How many times we move each joint through ROM exercises
What is three

Terms for:

Moves a body part forward or anteriorly, such as pushing the shoulder forward or sticking out the chin

A movement that occurs in the transverse plane, such as rotating the forearm so the palm faces up

What is protraction and supination?

The steps of RACE
What are: Remove patients from immediate area of fire Activate alarm/ alert staff Contain fire/ close doors Extinguish fire (if safe to do so)
Oxygen tubing is attached to this at the patient's bedside
What is flowmeter
Another word for side-lying position
What is lateral
The turning movement I will instruct my resident to use as we transfer from bed to chair
What is pivot
Perform ROM exercises until the point of ______ or ______
What is resistance and discomfort

Name considerations for a patient placed in wrist restraints?

What is:

Alternatives should always be explored before using client protective devices or restraints.

Secure both wrists

Protect the wrist with clothing or padded dressing under the protective device

you must be able to slip two fingers between the device and the client’s wrist.

attach to the bed frame or to the lower chair parts with a quick-release tie/slip knot

Document restraint checks every 2 hr.

Educate the client’s family about restraint use.

Offer fluids every 2 hours minimally

Implement passive range-of-motion exercises.


Provide patient education about safe use of oxygen at home.

What is:

Keep oxygen tanks and tubing at least 5–10 feet away from heat sources like candles, matches, lighters, heaters, and cooking stoves.

Smoking is not permitted near oxygen.

Use the right humidifier

Check oxygen levels prior to leaving the home

Use proper tank holders

Store cylinders upright

Have a fire escape plan


Cover the tubes so the patient doesn't see them

Provide diversionary activities

Ask the family to stay with the patient

Move patient closer to the nurse's station

Decrease stimulation

What is interventions tried before restraints are placed.


This position provides venous return to the head and heart and is often used for very low blood pressure such as in septic shock.

What is Trendelenburg?


Restraint orders must be renewed every ____ hours in an adult and a provider must do a face to face assessment within _______ hours.

What is 4 and 1?


Chemical Restraint, Medical Healing Device; Behavioral Health/Management 

What are types of restraints/safety devices


These situations increase a client's risk for falls.

What is previous fall in the past 30 days; over the age of 80, diuretic medications, meds that cause diarrhea, unsteady gait, visual impairment, cognitive impairment, muscle weakness, etc...