What is the first part of mass?
Entrance Chant or Greeting
What is Sacred Chrism?
A consecrated oil used to administer certain sacraments
What is the form of the Eucharist?
Words or priest at the consecration ("This is my body")
What is the matter of Confirmation?
Anointing with the oil
What is Passover?
The night God passed over houses marked with lamb blood
What is the second part of mass?
Liturgy of the Word
What is an extraordinary minister?
A religious person who has been picked by the Bishop to help the priest or bishop distribute Holy Communion
What is the matter of the Eucharist?
Bread and wine
What is the form of Confirmation?
"Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Orders"
What is the purpose of the Introductory Rites?
They bring us together as a worshipping community
What is the third part of mass?
What is an Ordinary Minister?
Priests, bishops, or deacons who offer the Eucharist
A lay person who assists the priest
Who is the minister of Confirmation?
The bishop
What is the Eucharistic Prayer?
The high point of Mass
What comes after the first reading?
The Responsorial Psalm
What is Eucharistic Adoration?
Who is the recipient of the Eucharist?
Who is the recipient of Confirmation?
The confirmed
How is Christ celebrated in the Eucharist?
What comes after the Homily?
The Profession of Faith
What is a monstrance?
A sacred vessel, usually in the form of a cross
Where does the bread and wine come from in the Eucharist?
Bread from wheat and Wine from grapes
What is the Sacrament of Confirmation linked with?
The whole economy of Christian Initiation
What is the assembly?