Death and Taxes
A Real Fight!
The Declaration Heard 'Round the World
Battles Won and Opportunities Lost
Risk it!

Name one (1) of the tax acts passed that impacted the American colonists.

*Bonus points if you can name more than one (1). 100 points per correct answer.

Possible Answers:

Molasses Act, Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Townshend Acts, Tea Act


Name one (1) action from the First Continental Congress.

*Bonus points if you can name more than one.

Possible answers: boycotted British goods, called for a repeal of the coercive acts/intolerable acts, Suffolk resolves, formed and trained a colonial militia, Declaration of Rights.


About what percentage of American Colonists were patriots/rebels? (Wanted independence from Great Britain).

About one third (1/3) of American Colonists were patriots/rebels.


This was the leader of the Continental Army.

Who is George Washington?


A contest with deadly weapons arranged between two people in order to settle a point of honor.

*Bonus: 100 extra points if you can give an example using this word.

What is a duel?


The Boston Tea Party was when Boston patriots dressed up as ______ _________ boarded ships and dumped 342 chests of tea (worth about $1 million today) into the Boston Harbor.

Native Americans


Name one (1) action from the Second Continental Congress.

*Bonus points if you can name more than one.

Possible Answers: George Washington appointed head of the Continental army, they managed the war effort, they appointed diplomats, they issued the Olive Branch Petition, and they issued the Declaration of Independence. 


The book ______ _____ by Thomas Paine said that it was common sense for the American colonies to separate from Great Britain.

Common Sense


An American victory that resulted in the French openly supporting the Americans in the war

Battle of Saratoga


The American Revolution ended in what year?


The first person to die in the Boston Massacre.

Crispus Attucks


What did King George III do when he received the Olive Branch Petition from the American colonies?

He didn't even read it, he threw it away and came up with more ways to punish the colonies.


A 5 man committee made up of Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Robert Livingston, and Roger Sherman were appointed to write a declaration explaining why the colonies should be independent 

This declaration is called the __________ __ ____________.

Declaration of Independence


This Battle was considered the final battle of the American Revolution when British General Cornwallis surrendered to the Americans.

The Battle of Yorktown


Washington’s surprise attack on the British hired Hessian soldiers was an American victory that boosted morale, the Americans then wintered in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania

Battle of Trenton


They played a key role in the colonial opposition to the Stamp Act and argued that there should be “no taxation without representation!”

Who are the Sons of Liberty?


The shot heard 'round the world was the opening shot of the Battles of _________ and _______.

Battles of Lexington and Concord


" I desire that you ________ ___ ______, and be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors” 

- Abigail Adams (Letter to John Adams in 1776)

Remember the Ladies


This was a wealthy young Frenchman. Inspired by the ideas of the Revolution, He bought his own ship and arrived in America in 1777. He brought with him a group of well-trained soldiers and volunteered to serve in the Continental army himself without pay.

Who is Marquis de Lafayette?


Was general William Howe on the American side, or the British side?



A proclamation from King George III that banned colonial settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains.

What is the Proclamation of 1763?


_______ was the only colony that did not send a representative to the First Continental Congress.

*Bonus 100pts if you can tell me why they did not send a representative.


*Bonus: It did not send a representative because it remained loyal to Great Britain.


What was John Adam's response to his wife Abigail Adams letter "Remember the ladies"?

He laughed/did not take her seriously.


The Treaty in which the British recognized the sovereignty and independence of the United States with generous boundaries from the Great Lakes to the Mississippi River to Spanish Florida

The Treaty of Paris 1783


Another name for British Loyalists.
