Why is India a subcontinent?
Because it is a large landmass and is separated from Asia by mountains.
What was the purpose of the Vedic texts?
These texts describe the rituals of early Hinduism.
What characterizes Hinduism?
Siddhartha Gautama's title after enlightenment?
The Buddha
About Chandragupta Maurya and trade in his empire...
He created one currency used by merchants and moneylenders.
Amazing art from the Mauryan and Gupta empires was...
What mountain range is in the northwest of India?
Hindu Kush
How were early Aryan social levels determined?
According to a person's profession. Professions were hereditary.
What do Hinduism & Jainism have in common?
Many follows are non-violent.
Difference between Buddhist beliefs and Hindu beliefs?
Rituals were unnecessary to reach enlightenment.
The main religion during the Gupta empire?
Written language of Mauryan and Gupta authors?
Where are the Himalayas located?
Northern India
Define a grama?
community made up of family members.
Samskaras is?
Rites of life passages
Who was a famous king that converted to Buddhism?
Followers often wear turbans and support treating everyone equally.
Indian astronomers...
...believed the planets rotated around the sun.
Why are the cities Harappa, Mohenjo-Daro, and Kilibangan considered to be of the same civilization?
Similar planning, similar layout, similar buildings.
Early Hinduism...
Oldest of the Indian religions whose religious traditions were collected into Vedic texts
determined by a person's good or bad choices in life.
The Buddha's 4 noble truths:
1. People can overcome ignorance.
2. Suffering is a part of human existence.
3. Suffering comes from the desire for material possessions.
4. People can overcome desire and ignorance and reach nirvana.
Later Hinduism...
Largest number of followers in India who believe in many gods, such as Brahma, Shiva, and Vishnu.
And important mathematical advancement of India mathematicians?
First use of the number 0 or "zero"
Winds influence India's weather during the summer bringing as much as 200 inches of rain to portions of the subcontinent.
How were the early Aryan and Harappan civilizations similar?
Both civilizations settled in the Indus river valley.
Jollowers who believe in the teachings of Mahavira and practice nonviolence
Siddhartha was a member of the ___________ caste
Kshatriya Caste
Buddha opposed the...
strict rituals. This made him popular with the lower classes.
A. a mixture of metal is called...
B. Science of working with metals...
A. an alloy
b. Metallurgy