Author's Purpose
Literary Elements
Pronoun-Verb Agreement
Latin/Greek Roots

Halloween is the best holiday of the year! Everyone should go out and get a costume. If you can’t find one to buy, make one. Halloween is better than the other holidays because you get to trick-or-treat with your friends. 

What is the author’s purpose?

to persuade


Who is a major character in Running Rivals?

a. Amy

b. Natalie

c. Dad

D. Coach Joseph

a. Amy


What is the correct way to write the sentence? 

A. He wash it once a month, even if the truck are not dirty. 

B. He washes it once a month, even if the truck is not dirty. 

C. He washes it once a month, even if the truck are not dirty. 

D. No change is needed.

B. He washes it once a month, even if the truck is not dirty.


At the park, they watched a video together on Uncle Jim’s phone. 

Think about the Latin root vid. What is the meaning of video above?

A. a recording to watch 

B. something that is easily seen 

C. a screen where movies can be watched 

D. something that shows where an object is

A. a recording to watch


I’ve stayed one hole hour, but I feel like I could stay all day!

a. Change one to won. 

b. Change hole to whole. 

c. Change hour to our. 

d. Make no change.  

b. Change hole to whole.


Sarita was excited to get out of the car. She had been waiting for today for weeks and it was finally here. She skipped as she went up the walkway to the house, and her mom opened the door. Suddenly, everyone shouted, “Surprise!” 

What is the author’s purpose?

To entertain


Who is a minor character in Running Rivals?

A. Amy

B. Madison

C. Natalie

A. Amy


What is the correct way to write the sentence? 

A. First, we scrub the truck with soapy water. 

B. First, us scrubs the truck with soapy water. 

C. First, they scrubs the truck with soapy water. 

D. First, them scrub the truck with soapy water.

A. First, we scrub the truck with soapy water.


It is evident that the spilled milk made a big mess.

a. easy to hear

b. easy to see

c. not possible

d. alive

b. easy to see


Uncle Jim helped Kayla draw a little rose on a pink eraser and cut around the lines of the drawing. 

What is the meaning of rose as it is used above? 

A. stood up 

B. a kind of flower 

C. a long line of something 

D. moves a boat through the water

B. a kind of flower


Smoking is a bad habit. Smoking costs Americans thousands of dollars a year. It also causes major health problems. There are over 4,800 chemicals found in one cigarette. Smoking is a habit that people can choose to quit, but it takes a lot of effort. 

What is the author’s purpose?

to inform


What was the conflict in Running Rivals?

Amy is nervous about running against Madison because she hasn't run since she hurt her knee.


He _______ Spanish in school. (study)

fill in the word



After her final trip, the explorer started writing her ________ to tell the story of her life. 

a. biography

b. membership

c. video

d. audio

a. biography


Workers were the _______ windows so rain wouldn’t get in. 

a. ceiling

b. sailing

c. sealing

d. cleaning

c. sealing


Hurry! This house will not be available for long. It has four huge bedrooms, a beautiful kitchen, and an awesome playroom. The best part of this house is that there is a pool in the backyard. Did I mention that the backyard is massive, too? Hurry! Buy it before someone else does! 

What is the author’s purpose?

To persuade


What was the resolution in Soccer Shootout?

The boys taught each other tips on how to be a better goalie and worked together to win the big game.


Random Review - Double points!

What are the clue words to look for if a story is written in first person point of view?

I, we, me


I can see you need some groceries, so I’ll be happy to _______ them.

a. video

b. biofuel

c. provide

d. implode 

c. provide


The cake recipe calls for two cups of ________.

a. flower

b. serial

c. whole

d. flour

d. flour


Rio and Marcus sat in the backseat of the car as their dad drove. The car traveled quickly on the highway and it seemed like they had been in the car for hours. Suddenly, their dad started singing loudly and dancing. He turned the music up and the boys cracked up. They laughed so hard and their faces turned bright red. 

What is the author’s purpose?

to entertain


Double Points!!!

What was the setting in Soccer Shootout?

Why was this setting important to the story?

the soccer field

The story is about people who play soccer and people play soccer on a soccer field


What change should be made to the following sentence? 

Now it look shiny and new again. 

A. Change it look to they look. 

B. Change it look to we look. 

C. Change it look to it looks. 

D. No change is needed.

C. Change it look to it looks.


The basketball film was made by a _______ who follows the team from game to game.

a. farmer

b. biologist

c. videographer

d. measurement 

c. videographer


A huge ______ blocked the mountain road.

a. ceiling

b. boulder

c. flour

d. one 

b. boulder