Module 53
Module 54
Module 55
Module 56

People with ________ (anorexia nervosa/bulimia nervosa) continue to want to lose weight even when they are underweight. Those with ________ (anorexia nervosa/bulimia nervosa) tend to have weight that fluctuates within or above normal ranges.

1. Anorexia Nervosa

2. Bulimia Nervosa


An influential cognitive therapy for depression was developed by _____ _____.

Aaron Beck


The most enthusiastic or optimistic view of the effectiveness of psychotherapy comes from

a. outcome research

b. randomized clinical trials

c. reports of clinicians and clients

d. a government study of treatment for derpession

c. reports of clinicians and clients


Some antipsychotic drugs, used to calm people with schizophrenia, can have unpleasant side effects, most notably

a. hyperactivity

b. convulsions and momentary memory loss

c. sluggishness, tremors, and twitches

d. paranoia

c. sluggishness, tremors, and twitches


Who had a Psuchoanalytic Approach to Therapy?



DID is controversial because...

a. Dissociation is quite rare

b. It was reported frequently in the 1920s but rarely today

c. It is almost never reported outside North America

d. Its symptoms are nearly identical to those of obsessive-compulsive disorder

c. It is almost never reported outside North America


_____ therapies are designed to help individuals discover the thoughts and feelings that guide their motivation and behavior.



Studies show that _____ therapy is the most effective treatment for most psychological disorders.

no one type


Drugs like Xanax and Ativan, which depress central nervous system activity, can become addictive when used as ongoing treatment. These drugs are referred to as _____ drugs. 



Who had a Humanistic Approach to Therapy

Carl Roger


PET scans of murderers’ brains have revealed
a. Higher-than-normal activation in the frontal lobes

b. Lower-than-normal activation in the frontal lobes

c. More frontal lobe tissue than normal

d. No differences in brain structures or activity

b. Lower-than-normal activation in the frontal lobes


A goal of behavior therapy is to 

a. identify and treat the underlying causes of the problem

b. improve insight learning and insight

c. eliminate the unwanted behavior

d. improve communication and social sensitivity

c. eliminate the unwanted behavior 


What are the three components of evidence-based practice?

research evidence, clinical expertise, and knowledge of the patient


A simple salt that often brings relief to patients suffering the highs and lows of bipolar disorder is _____.



What does Gestalt Therapy focus on?

Focus on the present and what is happening now


A personality disorder, such as antisocial personality, is characterized by

a. Depression

b. Hallucinations

c. Inflexible and enduring behavior patterns that impair social functioning

d. An elevated level of autonomic nervous system arousal

c. Inflexible and enduring behavior patterns that impair social functioning


The technique of _____ _____ teaches people to relax in the presence of progressively more anxiety-provoking stimuli. 

systematic desensitization

How does the placebo effect bias patients' attitudes about the effectiveness of drug therapies?

The placebo effect is the healing power of belief in a treatment. When patients expect a treatment to be effective, they may believe it was


When drug therapies have not been effective, electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) may be used as treatment, largely for people with 

a. severe obsessive-compulsive disorder

b. severe depression

c. schizophrenia

d. anxiety disorders

b. severe depression


What does Freud's Psychoanalytic Approach to therapy focus on?

Speaking about repressed conflicts


Which of the following statements in true bulimia nervosa

a. People with bulimia continue to want to lose weight even when they are underweight

b. Bulimia is marked by weight fluctuations within or above the normal ranges

c. Bulimia patients often come from middle-class families that are competitive, high-achieving, and protective

d. If one twin is diagnosed with bulimia, the chances of the other twin’s sharing the disorder are greater if they are fraternal rather than identical twins

b. Bulimia is marked by weight fluctuations within or above the normal ranges


A therapist who restates and clarifies the client's statements is practicing _____ _____.

active listening


Those who undergo psychotherapy are _____ (more/less) likely to show improvement than those who do not under psychotherapy 



An approach that seeks to identify and alleviate conditions that put people at high risk for developing psychological disorders is called

a. deep-brain simulation

b. the mood-stabilizing perspective

c. spontaneous recovery

d. preventive mental health

d. preventive mental health


What does Carl Roger's Humanistic Approach to therapy focus on?

Focus on Empathic Understanding