The text structure that tells us the conflict or dispute the characters are facing and then how the characters resolve the conflict/dispute.
Problem and Solution
Name the text feature(s) that may tell us about what we are going to read
Title or heading
The reason an author writes a story or text is called the...
Author's purpose
What is the central idea of T.J. The Siberian Tiger Cub?
TJ, a tiger cub who lost his mom, was refusing to eat and worried the vets because he wasnt gaining weight. The vets had to try everything to get him to learn how to survive on his own.
The text structure that tells the events in order of how they happen.
(Informational texts will normally follow this structure)
(Chronological Order)
Name the text feature that emphasizes our vocabulary words in a text.
Highlighted words
What are the 2 main purposes the authors' have written the texts we've read in this module?
Inform and Entertain
What does Octopus do when she is approached by the shark?
Hint: she uses a part of her body that was in our vocab words
She shoots water from her siphon to get away quickly
The text structure where the author tells us what happens and why it happens
Cause and Effect
The words the author uses and how they tell the story is called
Name the graphic feature that will show us a picture and have labels on it.
What are the words and phrases authors use to exaggerate, compare, or create special effects with called
Figurative Language
What animal uses "fingers" on its nose to dig underground and sniff out its food?
Star-nosed mole
The text structure where the author want us to see the similarities and differences between a certain thing or topic.
Compare and Contrast
"Last weekend, Mr. Yu got the plants and flowers we would need. Now we are ready to plant our garden! We can’t wait to see all of the butterflies that will call our school home."
What is the tone of this passage?
excited, happy, joyful, etc.
Name 6 text or graphic features
(Answer will vary)
The figurative language the author uses to compare things with "like" or "as".
How did "This is Your Life Cycle" end and why is this significant?
Dahlia finally grew her wings and became an apex predator, she chases everyone at the show. This is important because we are learning about the life cycle of a dragonfly; after they molt, they emerge with wings that help them fly fast and catch many type of prey.