Poetry/Fig Lang
Vocab/Grammar 1
Vocab/Grammar 2

The prefix Inter- means...

Among, between, during


No one invites Harold to parties because he is a wet blanket.

Is this a simile, metaphor, or neither?



They listened on the crickets chirp while nightfall settled around them.

Correct this sentence.

Change "on" to "to"


“We are moving too slowly,” one camper said.

Which of those words is an adverb? 



Suffix -ness does what to words?

Adding -ness to a word changes adjectives to nouns.


What does the metaphor "That girl is a firecracker" mean?

The girl is crazy; wild


"See you at the campsite!” she shouted, running down the trail.

What changes, if any, should be made?

No change needed.


It includes four mountain ranges that extend through the California desert.

Read the dictionary entry.

extend (ik-'stend) verb 1. to take up space 2. to cause to last longer: extend the school day by an hour 3. to put off until later: extend a deadline 4. to give or offer

Which definition best matches the way extend is used in the sentence?

definition 1


If you travel from an ___ airport, you can catch flights between countries.



Why does the author use descriptive language in this paragraph?

It is spring in California. The sun shines down on a desert road with bright yellow sunflowers in full bloom on either side. Snow-capped mountains tower ahead. The road narrows and winds through the mountains. The mountains part, and there is a valley below. Circling the white valley floor are fields of wildflowers—golds and purples and pinks. People talk and laugh as they walk through the fields. With so much life, it is hard to believe that this place is actually named “Death Valley.”

To show there can be beauty even in the desert


Suddenly, everyone was exciting to keep going!

What changes, if any, need to be made to this sentence?

Change exciting to excited


The leaves softly glisten,
a shimmering vision in the faint glow of morning!

read the dictionary entry.

vision ('vi-zhən) noun 1. the state of being able to see 2. the ability to think about the future 3. a sight of unusual beauty 4. a detailed mental image

Which definition best matches the way vision is used?

Definition 3


But those willing to take on the challenge will find happiness in the wonders of the hottest, lowest, and driest place in North America.

Think about the suffix –ness. What is the meaning of happiness above?

the state of being happy


These redwoods mysteriously soar

until they touch the sky,

giants who rest their heads upon the clouds.

Their trunks stand like pillars

that were built to support the stars.

What does the figurative language in this stanza help readers understand about the redwoods?

their enormous height


When I get older I will be able to drive.

Does this sentence need anything?

add a comma after older


The members of the group felt too tired to drag themselves any farther. Though they had _____ hiked for three hours through thick forest, they were only halfway to camp.

What word fits in the blank?

A. Barely

B. Just

C. Quickly

D. Slowly

B. Just


Near the treetops,
layers of leaves and limbs interconnect,
knitted like a blanket covering the forest.

Think about the prefix inter-. What is the meaning of interconnect above?

To connect between


At dawn, fog tiptoes in from the Pacific Ocean
and folds her misty fingers around towering trunks,

What do these lines tell readers regarding the fog?

How the fog looks in the forest


Identify the adverb in this sentence.

They quickly went to the store.



Through the fir branches, they saw the orange bright sun sinking behind the mountain peaks.

What is the correct way to write the italic words?

bright orange sun