What does PIE stand for?
Persuade, Inform, Entertain
Name one text structure.
problem and solution, compare and contrast, sequence or chronological, cause and effect, description
What do you call the person, animal, or object that does most of the actions in a story, play, or movie?
a character
Name one type of figurative language we have learned about this year.
Teacher discretion, could be: onomatopoeia, alliteration, hyperbole, personification, analogy, metaphor, idiom, simile, etc.
If you were reading a silly story about a fairy who got stuck in peanut butter, what would be the author's purpose?
to entertain
If an author is writing about his solution to cleaning up trash on the school playground, what text structure did he most likely use?
problem and solution
What is setting?
where and when a story takes place
What is an alliteration?
When each word in a sentence or phrase starts with the same letter or sound. Example: Sally Sells Seashells by the Seashore
If Ms. Bizal was reading a book about horses that included what they eat, where they live, and lots of other interesting facts, what would most likely be the author's purpose?
to inform
If Eric was explaining the reason he couldn't come to school yesterday, what would be the text structure he is using?
True or false: The problem typically happens at the very beginning of the story.
False- it usually occurs in the middle of the story
A big exaggeration.
Sarah wants to convince her teacher to extend recess by 10 minutes a day so she wrote her a letter. What is the purpose of Sarah's letter?
to persuade
You are reading a book telling you facts and information about golden retrievers. What is the most likely text structure the author is using?
How the story ends or the problem is solved/wrapped up.
What type of figurative language is this: "Her hands were as cold as ice."?
What was the author's purpose of "This is Your Life Cycle"? *hint: this was the passage with Dahlia the dragonfly*
Entertain AND inform
Compare and contrast 2 objects in this room.
Up to teacher's discretion
Up to teacher's discretion, should include: all the events that happen within a story, or the beginning middle and end of a story
Why might the author use onomatopoeia, such as "WHOOOOSH!" ?
To add excitement, make the story come to life, appeal to the senses, add vivid imagery