Point of View
Text Features in Now you are Cooking!
Referring to Details

What Key words signal first person point of view in a text?

I, me, my


On page 190 What text feature does the author use at the bottom of the recipe?



What is an Idiom?

An expression that means something different from the meaning of its individual words.


Tommy, a curious boy, found an old, dusty book in his attic. As he flipped through its pages, he stumbled upon a mysterious map with cryptic symbols and a faded note. Determined to solve the puzzle, Tommy embarked on an adventure to decipher the map's clues and uncover the hidden treasure it promised. 

What motivated Tommy to embark on an adventure? a) He wanted to find a lost pet 

b) He was curious about the attic 

c) He wanted to solve a puzzle 

d) He needed exercise

C. He wanted to solve a puzzle


Fill in the blank

A story told in third person point of view has an ___________ narrator. The narrator tells the reader what all the characters are saying, doing, and thinking



On page 190, why does the author include the illustrations on the bottom?

The author want to show what you need for the bolillo boats.


What does this Idiom mean?

"Hold your horses!"

a. Don't let the horses move.

b. Be patient

c. Try not to Laugh

B. Be Patient


Tommy, a curious boy, found an old, dusty book in his attic. As he flipped through its pages, he stumbled upon a mysterious map with cryptic symbols and a faded note. Determined to solve the puzzle, Tommy embarked on an adventure to decipher the map's clues and uncover the hidden treasure it promised.

What is the meaning of the italicized word, embarked, above?

A. To start or begin something

B. To solve a puzzle

C. To uncover hidden treasure

A. To start or begin something


What is the point of view?

Without talking, Sal and Bret crossed the street and approached the wooded area. Dan and the rest of the guys were already there. “So, are you ready to begin?” asked Dan as he handed each of the guys sticks. “Throw the sticks everywhere. Make as much noise as you can to get him to come outside. Then run.” Each of the boys grabbed a stick and walked towards the building.

Third person point of view


On page 190, why does to other use numbers in the second column of the recipe?

He want to show the reader to know what order to follow to cook the recipe.


What does this Idiom Mean?

"Cut to the chase."

a. Get to the point

b. Skip to the part where it gets exciting

c. Try and catch me

A. Get to the Point


Sarah, a budding artist, stumbled upon an intriguing box while exploring her grandmother's attic. Inside, she found a collection of antique paintbrushes and a worn-out canvas with faint sketches. Determined to unravel the mystery behind the artwork, Sarah decided to restore the canvas and bring the forgotten paintings back to life.

As Sarah meticulously worked on the restoration, she discovered hidden layers of vibrant colors beneath the surface. Each stroke of her brush unveiled a new scene, revealing stories from the past. With every painting restored, Sarah felt a deep connection to her grandmother's artistic journey and a newfound inspiration for her own creative endeavors.

Based on the Passage above which statement best describes how Sarah feels about her Grandmother's paintings. 

A. She is sad because her grandmother's painting are in the attic forgotten 

B. She is annoyed because she need to put in so much work to restore her grandmother's paintings

C. She is inspired by her grandmother's paintings and work

C. She is inspired by her grandmother's paintings and work


What is the Point of View? What is one clue you used to determine this? 

It was getting late, and I needed to get home before my parents started to worry. As I tugged my bicycle up the sides of the rocky hill, the jagged edge of a rock pierced my front tire wheel. A soft whirring sound filled the air as I watched my tire flatten into a pancake. I was there all alone in the forest and had only decided to go this way because it was a shortcut. Darkness was descending, and the fullness of the trees was making nighttime come even faster to the forest.

First Person Point of View

Clues: I, my 


Look at the illustration on the bottom of page 186 and 187. What part of the story does the illustration show?

A. Paragraph 20

B. Paragraph 22

C. Paragraph 19

C. Paragraph 19


What is the meaning of the italicized phrase?

When Carolyn began crying over a torn piece of paper, mom told her to grab a piece of tape and fix it. There was not use crying over spilled milk.

To feel sorry or sad about something that has already happened.


The question will need you to look at the text "Now you are cooking!"

What inspires Martina’s final dish?

A. She remembers cooking with her abuelito.

B. She uses a recipe from a cooking show on television.

C. She thinks about having cereal and milk for breakfast.

D. She dreams about meals she’s had at a restaurant in town.

A. She remembers cooking with her abuelito


Read this story. How would it be different if it were told from a different point of view?

Sitting down at the table, I was mindful to keep my tray steady. I just did not need any mishaps such as a tray flipping over in front of everyone. It was my first day at the new school, and first impressions are everything. “Do you mind if I sit next to you,” a boy with a oversized backpack lowered his books onto the floor. He seemed nice enough so I told him yes.

At teacher's discretion***

It would...

Be third person point of view

include the perspective of other characters such as the boy who sat next to the narrator

include the perspective of other students in the cafeteria


Look at the illustration on the bottom of page 189. What part of the story does the illustration show?

A. Paragraph 29

B. Paragraph 31

C. Paragraph 27

A. Paragraph 29


What is the meaning of the underlined phrase? What is one clue that helped you determine the meaning?

"Your Brother is already in a bad mood. Don't add fuel to the fire by laughing at him." Said mom.

Do not make the situation worse.

Clue: The brother is already in a bad mood


This question needs you to look at the text "Now you are Cooking!"

After the competition, which statement would Martina most likely agree with? 

A. If you don’t win, you should be upset. 

B. It’s better to give up if you think you may lose.

C. You can learn from your losses to improve in the future. 

D. You should never compete against a trained professional.

C. You can learn from your losses to improve in the future.