Figurative Language
Context Clues/Grammar
Text Structures/Text Features
Central Idea
Authors Purpose/Claim

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.

What type of figurative language is used?

A. Simile

B. Alliteration

C. Personification

D. Metaphor

B. Alliteration


Moving the box across carpet will result in a lot more friction than moving the box across a slick wood floor.

What is the meaning of friction as used in the sentence above?

A. A force acting in the opposite direction.

B. Something that moves with ease.

C. Something that stays in place.

D. A force that acts in the same direction.

A. A force acting in the opposite direction.


I do my chores each Saturday. First, I fold the laundry and put it away. Then I sweep and mop the kitchen floor. After that, I empty all the garbage cans and the recycling. Finally, when all of my chores are finished, I can go outside to play. 

Which best describes how the paragraph is organized?

A. It explains the problems with the chores and how they fix them.

B. It gives facts to support an opinion about chores.

C. It explains the chores and why they do them.

D. It lists the steps that the chores get done.

D. It lists the steps that the chores get done.


Ants are tiny insects, but they can do some pretty astonishing things. They live in colonies, which means they live in large groups. Ant nests can be found in mounds of dirt. To move around inside their nests, the ants create tunnels by removing dirt. Nests can be as deep as 25 feet, and the tunnels are quite complex. A queen ant reigns over the colony. Young ants stay inside with the queen and look after the family, while older ants go out to collect food. Older ants can carry up to 50 times their body weight. They are so strong that they can move up to 50 tons of soil. They can also run very fast. They have been known to run at a speed almost 800 times their body length.

The Central Idea is that ants are amazing creatures. Which details support the central idea? (Choose 2)

A. Older ants can lift 50 times their weight.

B. Ants move around inside their nests

C. Ants live in large groups

D. Ants can run very fast.

A. Older ants can lift 50 times their weight.

D. Ants can run very fast.


Bartholdi, positioned high in the torch of the statue, pulls the cord to unveil the face of the statue called Liberty Enlightening the World. Thousands cheer, wave banners, blow whistles, sound sirens, beat drums, and ring bells.

 Which word best describes the author’s point of view on the 1886 unveiling of the Statue of Liberty?

 A. disappointed 

B. confused 

C. upset 

D. excited

D. excited


I needed to find the answer. I tried looking in my favorite book. It is a book about baseball. The main character in the book speeds around the bases like a racecar.

What is the simile used in the paragraph?

A. I tried looking in my favorite book. 

B. It is a book about baseball.

C. I needed to find the answer. 

D. The main character in the book speeds around the bases like a racecar.


D. The main character in the book speeds around the bases like a racecar.



What is the correct way to write the sentence?

A.  I need glue scissors and tape for my project.

B.  I need, glue scissors and tape for my project.

C.  I need glue, scissors, and tape for my project.

D.  I need glue scissors and tape, for my project.

C.  I need glue, scissors, and tape for my project.


How does the text feature Headings, help the reader?

A. They help the reader understand a photograph.

B. They help the reader identify the central idea for that section of the text.

C. They show the reader the meaning of words.

D. They show the reader the definitions of words.

B. They help the reader identify the central idea for that section of the text.


I have a dog named Boots. I taught him lots of tricks. When I tell him to, Boots will sit or lie down. He can also wave his paw to greet people. When I say, “Dance, Boots”, he will stand up on two legs and walk. I don't know of many dogs that can do such amazing tricks!

What is the Central Idea of the paragraph?

A. Boots is my dog.

B. Boots can sit. 

C. Boots is very smart.

D. Most dogs can't dance

C. Boots is very smart.


When meteoroids enter the earth’s atmosphere and start to burn, they are called meteors. They are visible from the ground, as they appear to shoot across the sky. We call them shooting stars. Shooting stars are not stars at all: they are meteors! 

What is the Author's Purpose for writing this passage?

A. to inform the reader about meteors.

B. to persuade the reader to like meteors.

C. to entertain the reader with meteors.


A. to inform the reader about meteors.


 We sat huddled by the crackling fire as the rain splattered, and the thunder rumbled.

What type of figurative language is used?

A. Simile

B. Alliteration

C. Personification

D. Onomatopoeia


D. Onomatopoeia


The compost is made up of soil, dead plants, and food scraps. Inside the pile, red wriggler worms are busy eating and turning these ingredients into castings. Compost is mixed into the garden beds to provide food for seedlings.

What is the meaning of compost as it is used above?

A. castings

B. red wriggler worms

C. soil, dead plants, and food scraps

D. garden beds

C. soil, dead plants, and food scraps


Next time you are thirsty, try drinking a glass of water instead of a soda. Although both will quench your thirst, soda is full of sugar and chemicals. Water, on the other hand, is a much healthier choice. Water helps your digestive system to function properly and keeps you immune system strong so you won't get sick.

Which best describes how the paragraph is organized?

A. It lists the steps about water and soda.

B. It describes the problems with water and soda.

C. It gives facts to support an opinion about soda and water.

D. It tells how soda and water are the same and different.

D. It tells how soda and water are the same and different.


Brad is sixteen years old and yesterday he had his first driving lesson. “Back out of the driveway carefully,” his dad said. “Be sure you look in the mirror to make sure nobody is behind you.” Brad backed the car up and turned the wheel quickly. He and his father felt the car go bump. Oh no! Brad hit the mailbox.

What is the central idea of the paragraph?

A. Brad's father was angry. 

B. Brad has good driving skills. 

C. Brad's first driving lesson did not go well.

D. Brad always drives poorly.

C. Brad's first driving lesson did not go well.


Studies show that numbers of unwanted dogs in shelters are increasing, but there is not enough space and resources for them. People should help shelters by adopting a dog. When you adopt a dog, you help shelters not get overcrowded. Also, your economic contribution helps shelters get more resources to help new dogs every year.

With which statement would the author most likely agree?

A. People should ignore the dogs.

B. People should make more space for dogs.

C. People should give dogs to shelters.

D. People should help shelters  by adopting a dog.

D. People should help shelters  by adopting a dog.


My cousin Grace has a mouth as big as a bus. She can never keep a secret. One day I told Grace about a surprise birthday party my mom was throwing for her mom. Of course Grace told her mom about the party.

Why does the author use this simile?

A. To show that Grace has a very large mouth. 

B. To show that Grace can't keep a secret.

C. To show that they had fun at the party.

D. To show that the party was for Grace. 


B. To show that Grace can't keep a secret.


What change should be made to the sentence:

Shes going to go to art today.

A. Change Shes to Shes'

B. Change Shes to Shes's

C. Change Shes to She's

D. No change is needed.

C. Change Shes to She's


Why did the author include this illustration?

A. To show important information about raisins.

B. To show that raisins go to school.

C. To add humor to how raisins are dried.

D. To show what raisins look like.

C. To add humor to how raisins are dried.


Peter's parents bought a new carpet for the living room. Now, he has to take his shoes off when he enters the house. He's also not allowed to eat or drink in the living room any more. Peter's furry dog isn't allowed to play ball in there either. When his parents got the new carpet, there were lots of new rules.

What is the Central Idea of the paragraph?

A. Peter cannot go in the living room. 

B. Peter's parents don't like the carpet. 

C. Peter likes to make a mess. 

D. Peter's parents made new rules so the new carpet stays clean.

D. Peter's parents made new rules so the new carpet stays clean.


The energy that drives the water cycle is heat. When heat is added to ice, the ice melts into water. When heat is added to water, the water evaporates, turning from liquid into gas.

What is the author's purpose for writing this passage?

A. To entertain the reader with water.

B. To persuade the reader to drink more water.

C. To form the reader about the water cycle.

D. To talk about ice.

C. To form the reader about the water cycle.


The news hit me like a ton of bricks

What type of figurative language is used?

A. Simile

B. Alliteration

C. Personification

D. Metaphor


A. Simile


What is the correct way to write the sentence:

A. Before, lunch we will go to specials and play.

B. Before lunch we, will go to specials and play.

C. Before lunch, we will go to specials and play.

D. Before lunch we will go, to specials and play.

C. Before lunch, we will go to specials and play.


An earthquake that occurs under the ocean may cause a tsunami. A tsunami is a series of giant waves that can cause a great deal of destruction, as well as many deaths when it hits the coast. So, if you are ever at the beach and hear a tsunami warning siren, you should run to higher ground as fast as you can.

Which best describes how the paragraph is organized?

A. It lists the steps of a tsunami.

B. It gives facts to support an opinion about a tsunami.

C. It explains the destruction and deaths a tsunami causes.

D. It explains how to stop a tsunami.

C. It explains the destruction and deaths a tsunami causes.


Even though everyone loves candies; people should avoid eating too many. Candies have a large amount of sugar and can cause cavities, blood problems, and heart diseases. Also studies have shown that most candies have high fructose syrup, which can create inflammation in the bodies organs.

Which answer best completes the web?

A. People should not worry about eating too much candy.

B. People should avoid eating too many candies.

C. People should eat candy with high fructose corn syrup.

D. People should not worry about cavities.

B. People should avoid eating too many candies.


Giant sloths the size of elephants once lived in many places on earth, including North America. Today, sloths can be found in the tropical forests of Central and South America. They eat leaves and berries. A sloth can stick its tongue out 12 inches.

With which statement would the author most likely agree?

A. Giant sloths are boring animals.

B. Giant sloths are interesting animals.

C. Giant sloths do funny tricks.

D. Giant sloths eat a lot of food.


B. Giant sloths are interesting animals.