Module A Rubric
John Donne's poems
Margaret Edson's play 'W;t'
Donne's Context
Edson's Context

This term describes the similarities and differences revealed through the comparative study of texts.

What are resonances and dissonances?


This term describes the intellectual and philosophical nature of Donne’s poetry, often characterized by complex metaphors and paradoxes.

What is metaphysical poetry?


The profession of the main character, Vivian Bearing, in W;t.

What is a professor of English literature?


This major life change for John Donne involved a shift that deeply influenced his work.  

What is Donne’s conversion from Catholicism to Anglicanism?


This late 20th-century movement is characterised by subjectivism and relativism, often questioning the nature of reality and truth.

What is post-modernism?


In textual studies, students explore these, which can be common or disparate between texts.

What are issues, values, assumptions, or perspectives?


This poem by John Donne begins with the line “As virtuous men pass mildly away..."

What is 'A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning'? 


This character is the nurse who provides compassionate care to Vivian Bearing.

Who is Susie Monahan?


The political and social climate of these two English reigns significantly shaped Donne’s literary output.

What are the Elizabethan and Jacobean periods?


Edson’s commitment to this value is evident in her portrayal of the compassionate nurse, Susie Monahan, in 'W;t.'

What is empathy?


Innovating with these elements can shape new meaning in texts.

What are language concepts, form, and style?


Donne frequently uses this literary device, which involves an elaborate metaphor.

What is a conceit?


This literary device, used extensively in 'W;t,' aligns with post-modernist techniques by referencing and reinterpreting earlier texts.

What are intertextual references? 


This secret event in Donne’s life, in 1601, followed by imprisonment, profoundly impacted his writing.

What is Donne’s secret marriage to Anne More?


This experience in a hospital setting influenced Edson’s portrayal of the medical environment in W;t.

What is working as a unit clerk in a cancer research hospital?


This type of knowledge that students bring to texts influences their perspectives and shapes their compositions.

What is personal, social, cultural, and historical contextual knowledge?


This sonnet, beginning with “Death, be not proud,” employs this literary device to challenge Death's power. 

What is personification?


This poem by John Donne, frequently referenced in 'W;t,' explores themes of death and immortality, resonating with the play’s post-modernist concerns.

What is 'Death, be not proud'?


This intellectual movement, emphasizing classical learning and individualism, greatly influenced Donne’s works, as well as his intellectual development.

What is the Renaissance humanist movement?


Despite the success of 'W;t,' Edson chose to continue her career in this field, demonstrating her dedication to public service and education.

What is primary teaching?


Students use this type of language to compose informed, cohesive responses.

What is analytical and evaluative language?


Donne’s Holy Sonnets often follow this specific sonnet structure, which includes an octave and a sestet.

What is the Petrarchan sonnet form?


Edson uses this narrative style, which breaks the fourth wall and directly addresses the audience, reflecting post-modernist influences.

What is meta theatricality? 


This university, where Donne studied law, played a significant role in his intellectual development.

What is the University of Cambridge?


'W;t' won this prestigious award for drama in 1999.

What is the Pulitzer Prize?