Misc 1
Misc 2
Misc 3
Misc 4
Misc 5
To determine full insured status for DIB, we take the year of disability onset minus the year of attainment of what age?
Give an example of a traumatic onset disability?
hit by a train, etc etc
What does DISCO stand for?
DIB insured status calculator online
Who determines the POD?
the CR
The minimum number of QCs required for ANY disability claimant
A claimant that is exempt from the 20/40 rule based on age must meet this type of insured status
Special DIB insured status
How far back can an onset date go?
there is no limit to the amount of retroactivity on an onset date
A NH disabled by reason of this needs only to be fully insured, he/she does not need to be currently insured
statutory blindness
When the PIA equals the DMAX, why is it still imporatant to take auxiliary claims?
possible future survivors benefits
What special gift did Riley leave for me yesterday
a #2 in my shoe
what is AIME?
Average Indexed Monthly Earnings
What are the three most important reporting responsibilities for a DIB claimant?
Return to work, health improvement, WC change
The DIB exclusion comp is equal to the year of . . . ?
"Unpaid help" is the SEI version of what work provision?
Work in these facilities is deemed to not be SGA
Sheltered Workshops
When we are applying IRWEs and subsidies to a NH's wages, in what order do we do that? Why is the order significant?
subsidy first then IRWE -- doing them in the wrong order may make figures appear to be sga when they are not
Jeremy alleges he became disabled on 3/24/2009 when he was diagnosed with lymphoma. He has been a manager at a bookstore for the last 12 years. He took a month off for his treatment in april 2009. He went back to work full time until 11/30/2010 when he had a recurrence of the disease. He filed for benefits on 1/20/2011. What is the proper onset date?
whats the philosophy behind the 5 month waiting period?
the philosophy is that this period of time will be long enough to permit most temporary disabilities to be corrected or for the individual to show signs of possible recovery.
Carol has been on disability for 10 years due to her inability to walk after an accident left her in a wheelchair. Cathy works for a salon as a front-desk coordinator. She works 20 hours a week at $14.00 per hour. Carol provides a letter from her employer that she is not required to do some of the duties of the other front-desk workers and does 80% of the actual job but still makes the same wage. Cathy also has a $90 monthly IRWE. What is her countable income? Her wages should be used by multiplying her wages by 4.33 weeks
John Jackson alleges he became disabled on 4/4/2007, he filed for disability on 1/15/2011. What months are his WP months? What is his MOE?
WP 08/09, 09/09, 10/09, 11/09, 12/09 MOE 01/2010
What are the three tests for evaluation of SEI?
Significant Services/Substantial Income, Comparability of work activity, worth of work
Define the TWP and EPE to my satsifaction
TWP = Trial Work Period, 9 months where a claimant can earn over SGA without worrying about losing their benefits EPE = the 36 month period immediately following the last Trial Work Month where a claimant is due their check in any month they are under sga
Define UWA to my satisfaction
an efffort to do substantial work which stops or was discontinued due to the individuals impairment. this cannot be more than 6 months
Define Res Judicata to my satisfaction
Define Collateral Estoppel to my satisfaction