The Coming of War
The War of 1812
Settling International Issues
American Foreign Policy
Nationalism & Sectionalism

What is impressment 

seizing people and forcing into the military 


Why was the Hartford Convention pointless?

Federalists met after the war had already ended


Who becomes president in 1816?

James Monroe


what does nationalism mean?

To have great pride for your country


What is sectionalism?

Loyalty to the interests of one region of a country over the interests of the country as a whole


The Non-Intercourse Act banned trade between the US and ____ and ____

Britain and France


What was the effect of the Battle of Lake Erie?

US gets control of the Great Lakes


**NOT PART OF THIS LESSON BUT Who won the election of 1824?

John Quincy Adams


True or false, Monroe feels we should support newly independent nations and help fight their battles

False, not get involved in fighting


These are the 3 provisions of the Missouri Compromise 

1. MO enters as slave state

2. Maine will joined as free 

3. Slavery is prohibited north of MO border


Who was elected president in 1808?

James Madison


What battle was the last major conflict of the War of 1812 and made Jackson a war hero?

Battle of New Orleans


What did the Rush-Bagot Agreement do?

Limited naval power in the Great Lakes


What were 2 examples of why Monroe's presidency was called the "Era of Good Feelings"?

US is proud of War of 1812 victory, and we achieved a lot of diplomatic successes


These are what the north, south, and west economies depended on

North- manufacturing and trade

south- cotton production and slavery

west - cheap land, strong transportation


What were the 3 main reasons the War Hawks favored war against Britain?

Attacking ships, impressment, and aid to Native Americans

One battle of the Creek Wars was called ______, which led to the treaty called _______, which resulted in ___ and ___.

Battle of Horseshoe Bend

Treaty of Fort Jackson

Loss of creek land, exchange of $$$


What did the Adams-Onis Treaty do?

Spain gives Florida to US in exchange for 15$ dollars and giving up claims in Texas


These are the 4 effects of the Monroe Doctrine 

1. Bold statement from US to Europe

2. America will serve as leaders & protector

3. This will continue to guide foreign policy for years 

4. Take first steps in becoming a world power


These are the 3 parts of the American System and who was it proposed by

1. establish protective tariff

2. establish a national bank

3. improve transportations systems

Henry Clay


What was the result of the Battle of Tippecanoe?

Tecumseh fled


What were 3 effects of the Treaty of Ghent


Break up of NA groups

Boost in manufacturing


What did the Convention of 1818 do? 

Set border between US and Canada


These are the 4 provisions of the Monroe Doctrine

1. US will not interfere in the affairs of European nations

2. US will recognize & not interfere w. existing colonies

3. The Western Hemisphere is off limits to future colonization

4. US will consider any European power's attempt to colonize a hostile act


What were the 5 effects of the Erie Canal

Sparked westward expansion

Access to fertile land and resources

Cut time & cost of shipping

Boost of economies

Communication traveled