Masters of Doctrine
Jesus Christ
Knee Fights
Nephite Leaders

Rather than choosing to be offended by Captain Moroni's epistle and criticism, this Chief Judge of the Nephites faithfully executed his duty instead

Who is Pahoran?

+300 if you can name two of Pahoran's sons who wanted to be chief judge

+100 if you can tell me what Pahoran was busy doing


Foretold by Samuel the Lamanite, these two signs were to be given as evidence of Christ's birth

What is a day, a night, and a day with no darkness; and a new star

+100 what timeline did Samuel give to the people?


Despite the Lord preserving them in their hour of need, only 29 years after Christ's birth, the Nephites and Lamanites found themselves without these two critical institutions because of wickedness and pride

What are the church and the government?


Tearing his cloak and placing it on a staff to rally the people together, this Chief Captain of the Nephites is the author of the Title of Liberty

Who is Moroni?


This modern-day prophet served in the Navy during WWII

Who is Thomas S Monson

Having very short memories, and a tendency towards pride, the Nephites and Lamanites often find themselves stuck in this loop

What is the Pride Cycle?


Praying from a tower than the people would repent and come unto Christ, Nephi could be found near the highway, in this area of his yard

What is his garden?


Despite the ferocious appearance of the Gadianton Robbers army, the Nephites were unafraid, because their preparation allowed them to receive them in this state

What is in the strength of the Lord?


Finding themselves in prison for preaching the gospel, Nephi and Lehi are preserved and able to convert hundreds because of these two elements that come over the prison

What are a ring of fire, and a cloud of darkness


Usually referred to as the "hashtag", this is actually name of the # symbol

What is an octothorp


Entreating his sons to be faithful, Helaman encourages his sons to build a foundation of faith on Jesus Christ 

What is Helaman 5:12

As recorded in 3 Nephi 1, this prophet hears the voice of the Lord, telling that "on the morrow, come I into the world"

Who is Nephi?


After fighting in two different bloody battles, Helaman was grateful to find that he still had this many soldiers under his command

What is 2,060?

Entrusted by the Lord with the sealing power, this Nephite prophet commanded the clouds to bring no rain for two years, until the people repented

Who is Nephi

+100 Who was THIS Nephi's father?

+100 Who is Alma to this Nephi?



Americans do this an average of 22 times per day

What is open the fridge

In addition to his strategic abilities, the Nephites appointed Gidgaddoni because he possessed this faithful gift

What is the gift of prophesy and revelation


In 3 Nephi 1, we are told that initially there are no contentions in the land after the sign is given, accept for some who erroneously preach that this law has come to an end

What is the Law of Moses



Though the robbers are named for Gadianton, this man was the original member who they rallied around after he killed the Chief Judge

Who is Kishkumen?

+300 How does Kishkumen meet his end?

Sneaking in to camp at night for the second time, this Nephite Captain was able to complete is goal, but was killed by Ammoron's servants afterwards

Who is Teancum?


Upon the back of the $100 bill, Independence Hall is frozen in time, at this time of the day

What is 4:10


The Stripling Warriors fought bravely and knew God would deliver them if they were faithful. This faith came in large part because of these people

Who are their mothers?


The sign being given as foretold by Samuel the Lamanite, Christ was born this many years since Lehi left Jerusalem

What is 600 years? 

+200 How many years of the reign of the judges?

+400 Who was king of Judah when Lehi left Jerusalem?


This leader of the Gadianton Robbers writes an epistle to convince the Nephites to surrender their lands, wealth and freedom

Who is Giddianhi?


Prophesied by Nephi to show forth the wickedness of the people, and the power of the Lord, this Chief Judge was found in his own blood, murdered by his brother

Who is Seezoram?

+100 What piece of evidence lead his brother to confess?


Despite his current appearance, Brother Teshima actively played these two sports in high school

What are Volleyball and Soccer

+100 What was his position in Volleyball

+200 What number did he always wear