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These structures are observed in the nucleus of individuals with more than one X chromosome.
What are Barr bodies?
Kary Mulis won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for this in 1993.
What is PCR?
This expression represents all the alleles in a population for a gene with two alleles.
What is p + q = 1?
This segment of DNA is found adjacent to a gene and is recognized by RNA polymerase to initiate transcription.
What is a promoter?
This technique can be used to separate nucleic acids by utilizing a fluid of varying densities. (be specific)
What is sedimentation equilibrium centrifugation?
This is more likely to occur the further apart two genes on a chromosome are.
What is recombination?
This general term is often used to describe genetic material used to hold artificially inserted genes of interest.
What is a vector?
In Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium there must be no selection, no migration in or out of the population, the population is large, random mating occurs, and this as well.
What is no new alleles arise from mutation?
This molecular switch determines whether E. coli will metabolize the disaccharide lactose.
What is the Lac operon?
In a tube containing DNA this represents the time in which 50% of the population is double stranded as it cools?
What is the melting point?
This is used to calculate the probability of a double crossing over event.
What is the product rule?
This technique used for sequencing DNA with labeled dideoxynucleotide triphosphates and electrophoresis is named after the person who invented it.
What is Sanger Sequencing?
This describes the ability of a population to produce offspring.
What is fitness?
These modifications in eukaryotes prevent mRNA from being degraded quickly in vivo. (be specific)
What is 5'-guanine methylation and poly-adenylation?

This experiment demonstrated that DNA replication is semiconservative in eukaryotes.

What is the Taylor-Woods-Hughes experiment?

Even though the farther three genes are apart on a chromosome this explains why the actual number of crossing over events is lower than expected.
What is the Poisson distribution?
This methodology, which shears genomes into smaller fragments, measures the rate in which DNA reassociates after it has been "melted."
What is re-association kinetics?
Birth rate is an example of this where both extreme phenotypes are selected against.
What is stabilizing selection?
The first human gene product manufactured by recombinant DNA technology in bacteria.
What is insulin?

This enzyme is responsible for most of cellular replication of prokaryotic DNA. (Be specific)

What is DNA polymerase III?

In an experiment with Drosophila, white-eye, miniature-wing mutants were crossed with wildtype. About 65.5% of all flies showed parental phenotypes and 34.5% appear non-linked. The frequency of recombination was the following: 0.8% were yellow, white; 22.2% were white, miniature; and 23.3% were yellow, miniature. This is the sequence of genes.
What is yellow, white, miniature?
The Ion-Torrent Genome sequencer relies on the release of these when a nucleotide is incorporated into newly synthesized DNA strand in order to determine its identity.
What is a hydrogen ion?
For blood type this expression must be used to predict genotypic frequencies in a population under Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.
What is p2+ q2+ r2 + 2pq + 2pr + 2qr = 1?
This complex cleaves precursors into siRNAs and miRNAs.
What is DICER?

This binds to the origin of replication and is responsible for the initial steps in unwinding the DNA helix.

What is DnaA?