The tattoo often referred to as "traffic cones" due to the misplaced colors.
What is the candy corn tattooed on her foot?
A favorite TV show in Molly's childhood.
What is Barney the Dinosaur?
This app is where Evan and Molly met.
What is Bumble?
Molly's College.
Clark Univeristy
Molly's favorite arcade video game
What is big buck hunter?
Molly cannot leave the house without makeup on this one part of her face.
What are eyebrows?
A wordly gift for Molly's 10th birthday.
What is a dictionary and Thesaurus?
This vacation spot is the first international trip Evan and Molly took together.
What is Jamaica?
One of Molly's jobs in adulthood, known for a sweet sales good.
What is girl scouts?
A supreme court justice and one time Halloween costume
Who is Ruth Bader Ginsburg?
Everything in Transit is tattooed on Molly's name, which is also the name of an album by this band.
What is Jack's Mannequin?
The section of the high school newspaper Molly wrote on.
What is the sports section?
The musical stylings of Molly and Evan take this form.
What is whistling?
After going to Clark, Molly has lived in this number of apartments.
What is 3?
This meal is Molly's favorite to eat.
What is brunch?
The names of Molly's niece and nephew.
What are Malcolm and Louise?
The event that could have stopped Molly's high school prom.
What was a tornado?
The original date of Molly and Evan's wedding.
What is November 21st?
The outdoor spot only embraced by Molly in adulthood
What is the beach?
Molly's stated (but not purchased) favorite color.
What is blue?
This was the topic of Molly's Master Thesis.
What is voter registration?
The food and color Molly was afraid of for much of her childhood and adolescent life.
What is orange?
The location of Evan's and Molly's first date.
What is Jack's Abbey?
This Marshall-family getaway is the closest Molly will get to camping.
What is EaglesMere?
A favorite college professor shared with a bridesmaid.
Laurie Ross