Mom Facts
Mom Facts #2
The Bible

What is the average age of a first time Mom in 2024/25?

25 years old


Name the only animal species on earth where it's the males who give birth.



What is the longest book of the Bible?

In the English Bible, Psalms is the longest at 42,295 words.


The city name of "Escondido" means what in Spanish?



What is MomCo short for?

Mom Community


Who is generally faster at diaper changes- Moms or Dads?

Dads are typically faster - on average: 1 minute, 36 seconds, while Moms average 2 minutes, 5 seconds


What animal has the longest gestational period (pregnancy length)?

Elephants - 640-660 days or 95 weeks. That’s approaching two years!


What is the shortest book of the Bible?

In the English Bible, 2 John is the shortest at 300 words.


What year was Escondido established (incorporated)?

1888, Making Escondido one of the oldest cities in San Diego County


What is the theme of MomCo for this year?

Wild Hope


The average preschooler requires mom's attention once every how many minutes?

Once every 4 minutes.


What side of the body do moms generally carry their babies on? (despite being left- or right-handed)

Mothers tend to carry their babies on the left side of their bodies.


What was the first miracle performed by Christ?

He turned water into wine (John 2:1)


What body of water bisects the city of Escondido?

The Escondido Creek. 

(It originates at the Lake Wohlford Dam in the northeast, passes through downtown and leaves the city through the Harmony Grove area in the southwest.)


What is the best thing about MomCo so far?

All responses earn points!


How big was the biggest baby born in recorded history?
(Hint: 1955)

Signora Carmelina Fedele gave birth to a 22 lb 8 oz boy in Italy in 1955


Recent studies have found that what happens to a mother's brain during pregnancy and the early postpartum period?

Their brains shrink! Researchers in 2016 found mothers loose gray matter during pregnancy—and these losses endure for at least two years. 

(But volume loss may come with some benefits, too. The brain zones used for processing and responding to social cues might get more efficient in pregnancy)


What were the first words God spoke to man?

"Be fruitful and multiply" (Gen 1:28)


How many parks does Escondido have?

14 parks!

Daley Ranch, El Norte Park, Kit Carson Park, Grape Day Park, Jesmond Dene Park, Dixon Lake, Lake Wohlford, Mountain View Park, Rod McLeod Park, Washington Park, Westside Park, Frances Ryan Park, Grove Park, Felicita County Park


In which state was MomCo (MOPs) first started?



What is the approximate cost of raising a child to 18 (not incl. college)?

Cost of Raising a Child: Middle-income families spend $242,070 to raise a kid to 18 (not incl. college!)


How much milk do blue whale moms make for their babies every day?

Blue whale mothers produce 50 gallons of milk per day with between 35 and 50 percent fat content.

(Researchers are using tiny samples of blubber to learn more about how these humungous mothers pull off such an incredible feat.)


What are the 9 Fruits of the Spirit?

Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-Control


What was the hottest temperature ever recorded in Escondido?

The hottest temperature recorded in Escondido was 115 °F (46 °C) on September 6, 2020. 

(The coldest temperature recorded in Escondido was 13 °F (−11 °C) on January 2, 1901, and January 7, 1913)


Without looking, what are the names of all of the Moms around the table today?

Check participants' names.