Momentum 2
Conservation of Momentum

The units of momentum are this

What is kg*m/s


A 5.00-kilogram block slides along a horizontal, frictionless surface at 10.0 meters per second for 4.00 seconds. The magnitude of the block’s momentum is

50.0 kg·m/s


A 3.0-kilogram object is acted upon by an impulse having a magnitude of 15 newton•seconds. What is the magnitude of the object’s change in momentum due to this impulse?

  1. 5.0 kg•m/s
  2. 15 kg•m/s
  3. 3.0 kg•m/s
  4. 45 kg•m/s


(B) 15 kg•m/s


Define Conservation of momentum in words, not an equation.

The total momentum of a system always remains constant.


In a baseball game, a batter hits a ball for a home run. Compared to the ball, the magnitude of the impulse imparted to the bat is

  1. less
  2. greater
  3. the same

(C) the same


Momentum is defined as this.

Product of mass and velocity, or in other words, inertia in motion.


What is the speed of a 1.0 × 103-kilogram car that has a momentum of 2.0 × 104 kilogram·meters per second east?

20 m/s


Calculate the magnitude of the impulse applied to a 0.75-kilogram cart to change its velocity from 0.50 meter per second east to 2.00 meters per second east.

J = 1.2 N•s


A blue lab cart is traveling west on a track when it collides with and sticks to a red lab cart traveling east. The magnitude of the momentum of the blue cart before the collision is 2.0 kilogram • meters per second, and the magnitude of the momentum of the red cart before the collision is 3.0 kilogram • meters per second. The magnitude of the total momentum of the two carts after the collision is

1.0 kg • m/s


A 1.0-kilogram laboratory cart moving with a velocity of 0.50 meter per second due east collides with and sticks to a similar cart initially at rest. After the collision, the two carts move off together with a velocity of 0.25 meter per second due east. The total momentum of this frictionless system is

  1. zero before the collision
  2. zero after the collision
  3. the same before and after the collision
  4. greater before the collision than after the collision

(C)the same before and after the collision


A deer with mass of 146 kg is running head-on toward you with a speed of 17m/s. You are going north. Find the momentum of the deer. (Magnitude and direction)

2482 kg*m/s south.


What is the momentum of a 1.5 × 103-kilogram car as it travels at 30. meters per second due east for 60. seconds? (Magnitude and Direction)

4.5 × 104 kg·m/s, east


An air bag is used to safely decrease the momentum of a driver in a car accident. The air bag reduces the magnitude of the force acting on the driver by

  1. increasing the length of time the force acts on the driver
  2. decreasing the distance over which the force acts on the driver
  3. increasing the rate of acceleration of the driver
  4. decreasing the mass of the driver

(A) increasing the length of time the force acts on the driver


A 3.1-kilogram gun initially at rest is free to move. When a 0.015-kilogram bullet leaves the gun with a speed of 500 meters per second, what is the speed of the gun?

2.4 m/s


Give an Example of a Recoil Situation.

What is A bullet leaving a gun, a cannon and cannonball. etc.


A moving object has a mass of .5 kilograms and a velocity of 1000 m/s. This object has a large amount of momentum because of it's....

high velocity


Cart A has a mass of 2 kilograms and a speed of 3 meters per second. Cart B has a mass of 3 kilograms and a speed of 2 meters per second. Compared to the inertia and magnitude of momentum of cart A, cart B has

  1. the same inertia and a smaller magnitude of momentum
  2. the same inertia and the same magnitude of momentum
  3. greater inertia and a smaller magnitude of momentum
  4. greater inertia and the same magnitude of momentum

(D)greater inertia and the same magnitude of momentum


A 4.0 kg soccer ball approaches a player horizontally with a velocity of 18m/s to the north. The players strikes the ball and causes it to move in the opposite direction with a velocity of 22m/s. What impulse was delivered to the ball by the player?

 16 kg*m/s 


When a 1.0-kilogram cart moving with a speed of 0.50 meter per second on a horizontal surface collides with a second 1.0-kilogram cart initially at rest, the carts lock together. What is the speed of the combined carts after the collision? [Neglect friction.]

0.25 m/s


A 75-kilogram hockey player is skating across the ice at a speed of 6.0 meters per second. What is the magnitude of the average force required to stop the player in 0.65 second?

  1. 690 N

Which object has more momentum? A 50 kg object moving at 10m/s or a 2.5 kg object moving at 200m/s

Their momentum is equal.


A 0.0600-kilogram ball traveling at 60.0 meters per second hits a concrete wall. What speed must a 0.0100-kilogram bullet have in order to hit the wall with the same magnitude of momentum as the ball?

360. m/s


A 1200-kilogram car is moving at 10. meters per second when a braking force of 3000. newtons is applied. How much time is required to bring the car to rest?

4.0 s


A loaded railway car of mass 5000kg is rolling to the right at 2m/s when it collides and sticks to an empty railway car of mass 2000 kg rolling to the left on the same track at 3 m/s. What is their speed and direction of the pair after the collision?

0.57m/s right.


A 2.0-kilogram ball traveling north at 4.0 meters per second collides head-on with a 1.0 kilogram ball traveling south at 8.0 meters per second. What is the magnitude of the total momentum of the two balls after collision?

0 kg·m/s