Fill in the blank: "The biggest thing that separates us from our competitors is that we do not ________ any of our work."
Where do we submit the bill when in a home to get our proposal?
Momentum Sales App
Why should we have the homeowner verbally verify their personal information?
It gets them in the habit of agreeing
Who do we reference that says “Homes with solar panels sell for 4.1% more?"
What feelings are we trying to transfer when building rapport?
I care; I'm just like you
Fill in the blanks: BJ’s wholesale club looked into the company's customer service______ and _____ their installation ______ and _______, the products used like _____ and _______, and overall value.
staff and policies; practices and training; panels and inverters
What are the four Slack buttons we use to ensure that our request for revisions goes to their priority queue?
Design Change; Price Change; Product Change; Other
In IGS, what needs to be emailed to the homeowner and signed before a credit check and be emailed?
Electronic Consent
When should we use pictures/articles?
After we have established emotional certainty, pictures/articles ca provide logical certainty to back it up.
Why do we emphasize that the company does not subcontract its work?
To assure the customer of high-quality installation and consistent service, which builds trust and reduces concerns about workmanship
Why do most companies subcontract?
It saves THEM money
Who needs to sign the interconnect agreement?
The person on the utility bill
When does Sunlight's hard check happen?
Upon installation
Identify the true objection: "Do the panels have to go on the front?"
I don't like the look of solar
what must you do to establish certainty in YOU
Get in and stay in rapport; Be seen as expert
Deliver the next line: Now, today your meter only spins one way, but if you qualify for solar {Your Utility} will swap out this meter for a bi-directional meter which spins both forward and backwards.
So, in the daytime during overproduction it’s going to send those kilowatt-hours back to the grid, while spinning backwards and building up a bank of kilowatt-hour credits for you, as you can see on this graphic.
If payday is on 9/27, when would a project have to install to make it on that paycheck?
What is the difference between IGS and MSES, in terms of when someone can purchase their system?
MSES: 66 months; IGS: 5 years
When rebuilding certainty in our product in INTTAI, what 2 questions do we ask to promt the homeowner to reaffirm their certainty in a functioning system?
"Do you believe that if Momentum were to install this system on your home, it would produce this amount of electricity we spoke about and you wouldn't have to buy it from {UTILITY}?" followed by "What makes you sure of that?"
What is the prupose of the Inc and Deloitte 500 paragraph of the comapany story?
To build certainty in Momentum by drawing a correlation between growth and quality of work.
Deliver the "penalty pricing" section of Kill the Bill
"Now, did you know that utility companies are one of the only places on the planet where the more you buy of something the higher the price they charge you for each unit? We're typically used to places like BJ's or COSTCO where the more you buy of something the cheaper it becomes. Utilities use a different pricing model based on supply and demand that actually penalizes you for being a good customer. The more you use, the higher the rate they charge you."
How do you resolve the issue of an IGS agreement with a name that doesn’t match the property report?
A name amendment
What are IGS Solar's 3 limits on obligation to deliver, per the IGS agreement?
1. IGS is not a utility company 2. electricty needed beyond the system's production comes from the utility company 3. IGS will not pay for structural or electrical upgrades required for installation.
When met with “I make all the decisions," how do we help them see the value in getting the other person involved?
Help them understand two people with different minds may come up with different questions; neither of them would buy a car without at least telling the other person first.
Throughout INTTAI, where is each building block solidified?
1: During the give up/rapport building; 2: Company side; 3&4: Solar Side