Financial Knowledge
Why Behind the Words
Operational Expertise
Getting Past the No
Mastering the Playbook

When is the first IGS payment due?

30 days after activation


Why don't we prequalify homeowners?

to prevent them from shopping around


How many times do the words "lease" or "loan" appear in our entire pitch?


Who do we reference that says “homes sell 20% faster with solar than those without?”

Forbes (Home)


Deliver the Tie-Down: End of Company Story.

"Now, do you feel if Momentum wasn’t living up to the promises we make, all those partnerships I mentioned, and all this growth would have been possible"


What credit bureau(s) does Sunlight check with during the credit check process?



Why do we ask the homeowner "On a scale of one to ten, how important is the proper installation of your system?"

It gets the homeowner to verbalize that this is their belief.


What team helps you save projects after they cancel?



How should you respond if a Homeowner says they need to think about it?

"I hear what you're saying, and I can appreciate that. Because, that tells me you're taking this decision seriously, and you really want to find the best solution for your home."


 Deliver the Tie-Down: Three Circles.

Do you see any way where [Utility] will be able to avoid raising their rates by at least 6% per year?


When does Sunlight's hard check happen?

Upon installation


What must you do to establish certainty in YOU.

Get in and stay in rapport; Be seen as expert.


What kind of setbacks may be illustrated on an irradiance map?

Wind and Fire


Identify the true objection: "Do the panels have to go on the front?"

I don't like the look of solar/


What are the steps to achieving level three Rapport?

Compliment (followed by a question); Learn; Action


Do you need SSN for running MSES credit?



How does explaining the difference between micro and central inverters help in the sales process?

It builds certainty in a Functioning System while planting landmines of fear about a string inverter system (competition).


Who can you call during an appointment for a roof quote?

Nobody; we leave that to the roofing specialists after the engineering visit.


When handling INTTAI, if the homeowner never brings up price, how do we make sure "Value" is on their list of things they're looking for in a company?

Now that's a great list. IF you got all of those things but found out after the fact that you could have gotten it all for less would you be happy?


Finish the line: "After hearing about the Solar Program, a lot of people ask,..."

“If the government is funding solar for everyone, then why doesn’t everyone have it?”


Why is it important to factor in all sources of income the first time checking credit with Dividend?

Correcting it and trying a second time will require proof on income and will be stipped without it.


Why do we ask a homeowner if they would try to qualify to lock in today's rates with the utility company, if given the option?

It gets them to vocalize belief in price protection.


True or False: We should not answer questions about roofs because the technician will have more reliable answers for them during their Engineering visit.

False: The techncian is only there to take pictures, not provide roofing information.


Knowing that the utility company comes with a lifetime commitment and isn't free, what is the only thing the homeowner has to give up in the value exchange?

Status Quo


Deliver the "penalty pricing" section of Kill the Bill.

"Now, did you know that utility companies are one of the only places on the planet where the more you buy of something the higher the price they charge you for each unit? We're typically used to places like BJ's or COSTCO where the more you buy of something the cheaper it becomes. Utilities use a different pricing model based on supply and demand that actually penalizes you for being a good customer. The more you use, the higher the rate they charge you."