Financial Knowledge
Why Behind the Words
Operational Expertise
Mastering the Playbook
Getting Past the No

When is the first Dividend payment due?

60 days after installation


What feelings are we trying to transfer when building rapport?

I care; I'm just like you


How many times do the words "lease" or "loan" appear in our entire pitch?



Complete the line: Well, the reason I ask is I meet the majority of homeowners through two sources...

Our amazing referral program, remind me to tell you about that later, and our partnerships.


Who do we reference that says “homes sell 20% faster with solar than those without?”

Forbes (Home)


 If you run a soft credit pull, what does this mean?

The pull isn't listed on the credit bureau report and doesn't affect credit.


what do we need to have certainty in, to achieve certainty in price protection?

A functioning system and rising cost of electricity


If the app is not working to submit the bill, what dept do we email it to?



What is the last question in our net metering script?

So, what questions do you have for me about net metering?


In INTTAI solar side, who do we pretend to be knocking on your door 10 years from now?

The utility company


What number do you leave with a homeowner should they have questions about their agreement?

 Train them to call YOU or Momentum customer support.


Why is it important that the homeowner understands that this is a federally incentivized program?

It provides legitimacy and reduces skepticism


Who needs to sign the interconnect agreement?

The person on the utility bill


Finish the line: "When the panels go on your roof,..."

"Our greatest natural resource, sunlight, hits the panels and they geneate electricity."


What MUST we do before asking the two-path question in INTTAI

Build Rapport


Why should we unfreeze credit by website, not by phone?

By phone can take up to 48 hours


What are three of the five advantages to doing the walkaround?

Rapport; Attention; Visual; Referrals; Exclusivity


During what part of the signing process prompts concessions to be accounted for?

Generate Docs


How do other companies cut corners on Insurance?

They just get a general liability policy, or they let the worker’s comp. portion lapse


What are the 5 steps/points to resolving concerns about the next homeowner not wanting solar?

Empathize; Zillow/Cost of Living; Next Generation of Homebuyers; Not Meeting the Difficult Buyer; Transferability


How do we avoid signature stips with IGS?

By using the Select Style feature


If the homeowner sees how this saves them money, why must we ask if they see any way where they wouldn’t?

If the worst-case scenario is playing out in their mind, and we don't address it, they will not have absolute certainty and we will end up with objections to qualifying, including most commonly "I need to think about it".


List the steps to properly enter a referral into the iPad.

(optional: turn on/unlock); Sales App; Referrals/Megaphone; Import Customer; Fill out referral info; Submit


List 10 of the Steps Before the Company Story

Show up to the neighborhood 15 minutes early; Show up to the house 2 minutes early; Smile and wave at the house; Keep off the lawn; Knock exactly on time; Ask if they'd like you to take your shoes off; Get to a table; Get/submit the bill; Find out if all decision makers are present; Build Rapport, Ask for a glass of water; Ask how long they've been looking into solar; Askt the appropriate follow-up question; Set the tone


When met with “I make all the decisions," how do we help them see the value in getting the other person involved?

Help them understand two people with different minds may come up with different questions; neither of them would buy a car without at least telling the other person first.