My belly is fully with food.
I hangaia te whare e te wahine.
The house was built by the woman.
Kei te tito te kaitito i ngā waiata.
The composer is composing the songs.
Kei te moe ahau.
I am sleeping.
Kei te aroha ahau ki a ia.
I love him.
I pau ngā rare i ngā tamariki.
The lollies were consumed by the children.
Kua panuitia te pukapuka e te kaiako.
The book has been read by the teacher.
E whiu ana te kōtiro i te pōro.
The girl is throwing the ball.
I kaukau te mātāmua i te moana.
The eldest child swam in the ocean.
I mōhio te matua ki ngā ture o te kēmu.
The father knew the rules of the game.
I ngaro te pōro i te tama.
The ball was lost by the boy.
I mahia te mahi e te koro.
The work was done by the grandfather.
Kua tapahi te tāne i ngā rākau.
The man has cut down the trees.
Kua haere ia ki tōna kura.
She has gone to her school.
E tūmanako ana te pōtiki ki te toro i tōna koro.
The youngest child is hoping to visit her grandfather.
Ka mau te tāhae i te pirihimana.
The thief was caught by the policewoman.
I pāngia te kurī e te tama nanakia.
The dog was struck by the cruel boy.
Ka mātakitaki a Hēmi i te hōtaka.
Hēmi will watch the programme.
I te menemene te tamaiti.
The child was smiling.
Kua hiahia te kaitiaki ki te hoko i te ngahere.
The guardian has wanted to buy the forest.
I mahue te tangata i te tereina.
The person was left behind by the train.
Ka waeatia tōna kuia e āna mokopuna.
E tākaro ana ngā ākonga i te kēmu kāri.
The students are playing the card game.
I te oma tere te kurī kino.
The bad dog was running fast.
Ka maumahara te tuakana ki te atawahi o tōna teina.
The elder sister will remember the kindness of her younger sister.
Ka pakaru ngā matapihi i te āwhā.
The windows were smashed by the storm.
I tangohia ngā kī e te kurī.
The keys were taken by the dog.
Ka kai ngā ringawera i muri i te hākari.
The kitchen helpers will eat after the feast.
Ka whakarongo ngā kaiako ki te tūmuaki.
The teachers will listen to the principal.
I whakapono te taitamawāhine he tika te kōrero o tōna whaea.
The young woman believed the speech of her auntie/mother/teacher.