Somebody in our family went there -.-
Who is Dad?
Our last name (tough)
What is Hexter?
Mom's favorite college football team
What is Mic... Ohio State
Somebody was born on February 24th!
Who is Mom (shocker)
Group of whales or peas
What is a pod?
Our football team has this many National Championships
What is 7?
Our two cats
Who are Oreo and Moose?
Mom's favorite candy
What is York?
This U.S. president is sworn in for his first full term
Who is Lyndon B. Johnson?
A considerable lump of chewing gum
What is a wad?
The year of Ohio State's one and only men's basketball Championship
What is 1960?
Our family has had this many dogs (I think...)
What is 4? (Tanner, Beanie, Tio, and Spur)
Mom's favorite movie
What is The Princess Bride?
This British statesman passed away on January 24th
Who is Winston Churchill?
A slab o'turf
What is a sod?
Ohio State University, when founded, was originally called this
Ohio Agricultural and Mechanical College
Our street address in Utah
What is 2745 W, 3540 N
Mom's favorite book
What is the Screwtape Letters?
Tokyo passes this city to become the most populous city on earth
What is New York City?
A staff for Aaron
What is a rod?
Ohio State men's hockey head coach
Who is Steve Rohlik?
The coolest person in the family
Who is Mom (duh)
Mom's favorite color
I have no clue, she'll have to verify
This country became independent from the United Kingdom on February 18th
What is The Gambia?
One who's half human, half divine
What is a demigod?