Bollywood scandals
Children's literature
Food facts
Female figures
Yoga poses

This Bollywood couple was a was a huge hit in Hum Dil De Chile Sanam but things quickly fizzled in their offscreen relationship...

Who are Aishwarya Rai and Salman Khan?


This is the ending to the children's book line: one fish, two fish, red fish, _____.

What is "blue fish"?


This is the most expensive spice in the world by weight.

What is saffron?


She was the last Pharoah of Egypt, ruling from 51-30 B.C.

Who is Cleopatra?


The earliest evidence of this critical human invention was in Mesopotamia around 4000 B.C.

What is the wheel?


Richard Gore entered the Bollywood scene when he kissed this old-timer out of the blue in 2007.

Who is Shilpa Shetty?


In a famous children's book, this is what happens if you try to give a mouse a cookie.

What is: he will ask for a glass of milk?


This popular sweetener is the only food in the world that doesn't spoil.

What is honey?


This 2014 Nobel laureate once said: "I tell my story, not because it is unique, but because it is the story of many girls."

Who is Malala?


The longest in the world is 164 km long, in China.

What is a bridge?


This actor was notoriously acquitted for homicide after running over 5 people on the street.

Who is Salman Khan?


In the Eric Carle book "Brown Bear, Brown Bear," this is crimson creature is looking at Brown Bear.

Who is "Red Bird"?


Borscht is a popular Eastern European soup with this key ingredient.

What is beetroot?


This Fortune 500 CEO from India once played guitar in a band.

Who is Indra Nooyi?


This highly sociable city bird is known for its excellent navigational skills.

What is a pigeon?


This offbeat hero fell in love with a British journalist and accidentally fathered a child with her.

Who is Aamir Khan?


This is the year when Harry Potter first hit the shelves, creating hysteria in bookstores all over the world.

What is 2007?


This chili pepper overtook ghost pepper for the Guinness World Record for spiciest food.

What is the Carolina reaper?


She famously said this after losing a national race: “Please never stop believing that fighting for what's right is worth it.”

Who is Hillary Clinton?


The honey produced from this flower is useful for the treatment of various eye diseases.

What is a lotus?


This young actress got into a heated public argument with her green-eyed former lover after calling him her “silly ex.”

Who is Kangana Ranaut?


This prolific children’s author penned Charlotte’s Web, The Trumpet of the Swan, and Stuart Little. 

Who is E.B. White?


A swedish buffet of hot and cold meals, this name for this meal is also inspiration for a popular food truck festival in Brooklyn.

What is smorgasbord?


This world-famous star announced her retirement in Vogue magazine in 2022 and is now focused on venture capital. 

Who is Serena Williams?


This ocean dweller sleeps with only half its brain, keeping the other half and one eye awake to control its breathing and watch out for danger.

What is a dolphin?