What is the room number for the Monarchs class?
Room 314
Which two students were in charge of cleaning up the classroom after school?
Alania and Ashton
What is the first question Ms. Cajigas asks before reading a text?
What are our thinking jobs?
What lesson came right after lunch?
Finish the cheer:
DREAM is family...
I got all my dreamers with me
Which student sat closest to the door?
Who were the two class librarians?
Tamia and Lia
What is the last question Ms. Finkel asks during Story Problem?
What is the number sentence to match the story?
What color book shops on Monday?
What creature do you see on the front of our classroom door?
Monarch butterflies
What posters do you see under the SmartBoard?
The DREAM Maxims.
Who was the note taker under the Elmo during Shared Text?
Where did Ms. Finkel go to college?
University of Pennsylvania
Fill in the blank:
1. Get ready
2. _______________
3. Line up
2. Stand up
What two field trips did we take this year?
Aquarium and ice skating
What colors are the classroom walls?
Green and white
Who served as George Washington in the Constitution unit?
What city is Ms. Cajigas from?
What days of the week did we have art?
Monday and Wednesday
Who was always the first student at breakfast?
What shape is our classroom?
A polygon
A quadrilateral
Who was in charge of sharpening pencils if we ran out in the middle of the day?
What word does Ms. Cajigas always say?
How many books are you allowed to take out of the library?
Two fiction, two non-fiction
Which day of the week did we have music in the music room?