Conversation Skills
Friendship Skills
First Impressions
Flexible Thinking
Reading the Room

What are the 6 things we use to show active listening skills?

1. Eye contact

2. Focus

3. Nonverbal Cues

4. Think about emotions 

5. Picture what is being said 

6. Show we are listening with the things we say


What is a friend?

  • Shares interests with you 

  • Cares about your feelings

  • Makes you feel good

  • Is someone you can trust

  • Is someone you want to be around and hangout with


What is a first impression?

  • The first time you meet someone you both have thoughts about the other person. You form these thoughts by observing what the other person says or does.

  • When we meet people, we want them to have a positive first impression about us. This means that we want others to have good thoughts about us (i.e. he seems like a nice boy).


What does it mean to be flexible?

Being flexible means thinking about more than one solution, thinking about others, being okay if your plans change, keeping an open mind, and trying new things


Why do we read the room?

Reading the room helps people to know what to do in a situation and how to adjust their behavior to fit different situations.


What does brain eater do to our brain?

  • Get stuck thinking about your favorite topic

  • Show videos or pictures in your head that are fun to think about, even though other are trying to talk to you or it is learning time

  • Say things that are off-topic

  • Focus on touching or playing with things that are around you


What is a "dneirf"?

  • Pretends to be your friend when they want something

  • Makes you do things you are not comfortable with 

  • Dneirfs make fun of you when others are around 


How do you make a good first impression?

  1. Smile

  2. Make eye contact

  3. Face the person who is speaking

  4. Introduce yourself

  5. Use clues to start a conversation

  6. Maintain the conversation by asking a question/making a comment

  7. Ask the other person about their likes/dislikes

  8. Include other people around you in the conversation

  9. Respond to the other person with a nice and excited tone of voice


What does it mean to be rigid?

Being rigid or stuck means you are unable to change and are “stuck.” This happens when you get upset if things do not go your way instead of trying to solve the problem, or instead of thinking about other solutions. Being rigid means we do not try to think about others’ thoughts and feelings.


What is the first step in reading the room?

  • The first step in reading a room is to stop, and take a look at what is happening in the room.

  • Observing the room and the people in it will help figure out how to blend in to different environments.


How can we defeat brain eater?

  • Think about the topic

  • Move your body away from other kids that are distracting you

  • Move objects away from you so you are not thinking about playing with them

What are the 6 levels of friendship?

1. Friendly and Polite

2. Acquaintance 

3. Possible Friends

4. Growing Friendships 

5. Close Friends 

6. Best Friends 


Why is it important to make a good first impression?

 A first impression is how someone will remember you. We want people to have good memories of us, so they will want to be our friend! We can use skills for initiating and maintaining conversation and our facial expressions and body language in order to make a good first impression.


Why is it important to be flexible?

  • Being flexible is an important skill to have to build and maintain friendships because others will have good thoughts about you. Being flexible shows you are thinking about others.

  • When we are flexible, others have good thoughts about us and will want to play with us. When we are rigid, others may not want to play with us.


What are the "WH" questions we can ask ourselves when we look around the room?

  • Where am I?

  • Who am I with?

  • What is everyone doing?

  • What is it time for?

  • What should I be doing?

  • When should I speak/not speak?

  • How will others respond?


How can we keep a conversation going?

By making connected comments and asking relevant questions


What are qualities of a good friend?

  • Good listener

  • Caring

  • Trustworthy

  • Willing to give advice and demonstrate empathy

  • Balanced friendship

  • Social Filter


What is a social filter?

  • Our social filter can help us to remember what to keep in our brain and what to say or do out loud.


What strategies can we use to be a flexible thinker?

1. Think of Ideas

2. Add Ideas Together

3. Let it Go

4. Try Another Way


Why do you need to read the room and blend in like a chameleon?

  • Helps to understand how people are feeling

  • Helps to change behavior based on where you are, what is happening, and how people are feeling

  • Helps friends to have positive, good thoughts about us


What are some relevant questions we can ask?

  • We can ask wh- questions - who, what, where, when why, how

  • We can ask on-topic questions.


What are the steps to making friends?

  • 1. Learn about others by asking general questions.

  • 2. Share about yourself.

  • 3. Spend time with them!

  • 4. Keep the friendship equal.


Why do we use a social filter?

  • When we decide what to say, we need to think about how our words will make others feel about us.

  • Making others feel good around us is important because it is how we make and keep friends.

  • Keep thoughts in your mind that might hurt other people’s feelings. Think about how you would feel if someone said it to you! 


What does it mean to compromise?

  • Add ideas together (e.g.,  I want to play with trucks and my friend wants to play with blocks so we play with both together) 


What nonverbal cues do you look at when reading the room?

  • Eye contact

  • Facial expression

  • Personal space

  • Body language

  • Tone of voice