When you loan someone money, you want the interest rate to be high or low?
What is a popular indoor job you could earn an allowance for?
You are looking to borrow money from two banks. Bank A offers a 5% interest rate, Bank B offers a 3% interest rate. Which bank do you choose?
Bank B
Should you always set some money aside to save from each pay check and why?
Yes, for emergencies
You could save your money at a Commercial Bank with an interest rate of 6% or a Credit Union with an interest rate of 4%. Which do you choose?
Commercial Bank (6%)
Name some popular jobs for young adults
Working on a farm, working at a supermarket, and working at a fast food restaurant, babysitting
Taking out a loan: 5% or 4% interest?
Savings account: 5% or 4% interest?
You have a choice between buying a boat and an airplane. They cost the same, but the boat loan will have an interest rate of 6% and the airplane loan has an interest rate of 9%. Do you fly or sail?
A game for my SWITCH
Do you get all the money you earn in a pay check?
No, there are government fees or taxes
Do credit cards or debit cards charge you a fee?
Sometimes. There is interest in credit cards and fees in debit cards.
Why should you save money by putting it in a bank and not a jar at home?
The banks pay you interest