go broke
to lose all my money
tighten my flyer
make a l..............
make a living
someone who doesn´t want to spend money, sb who is thrifty
penny pincher
cost a leg and an arm
cost an arm and a leg
from hand to mouth
income money is spent immediately on basic necessities
make a winning
make a killing
strike it r.................
strike it rich
to spend money trying to fix sth without having a real plan or just spend money unreasonably
throw money at sth
back get my feet on
get back on my feet
lose my shirt
lose a lot of money on investment or any other transaction
born with a golden spoon in my bowl
born with a silver spoon in my mouth
down and o...................
down and out
payment with coins and notes, opposite to credit card payment
cold, hard cash
bill the foot
foot the bill
buyer beware
the buyer has to verify the quality of products
to be well off
make e.............meet
make ends meet
to pay someone a bribe
to grease someone´s palm
cash for strapped
strapped for cash
jack up the price
increase the price of sth
pay through your pocket
pay through your nose
................someone off
rip someone off
someone who is very poor
doesn´t have two nickles to rub together
means my live within
live within my means