Making change
Adding value
Lowest amounts
Problem solving
Coin Recognition

How much money you should get back if you pay for a $5 with a $20 bill

What is $15?


How much money I have when I add 2 quarters to 3 dimes

What is 85 cents?


This is how to make 22 cents with the lowest amount of coins

What is 2 dimes and 2 pennies?


John has 25 cents. This is how much money he will need to get to 50 cents

What is 25 cents?


This coin has a picture of a famous boat on it.

A dime


How much money you will get back if you pay for a $3 with a $10.

What is $7?


How much money I have when I add 3 dimes to 1 nickel and a penny

What is 36 cents?

This is how to make 17 cents with the lowest amount of coins

What is 1 dime, 1 nickel, and 2 pennies?


Jose wants 80 cents, but he only has 20 cents. This is how much he will need to get to 80 cents

What is 60 cents?


This is the largest coin. It also has the highest value.

What is a toonie?

How much money you should get back if you pay for a $2.50 item with $10.

What is $7.50?


How much money will I have if I add 1 nickel, 2 pennies, and a dime to a quarter

What is 42 cents?


This is how to make 39 cents with the lowest amount of coins

What is 1 quarter, 1 dime, and 4 pennies?


Jimmy has 3 cents and wants 19 cents. These are the coins he will need to reach that

What is a dime, a nickel, and a penny?


This coin has a picture of a maple leaf on it but we don't use them anymore.

What is a penny?


How much money you should get back if you pay for a $1.25 item with a $5

What is $3.75?


How much money I will have if I add 27 cents to 2 dimes

What is 47 cents?

This is how to make 67 cents with the lowest amount of coins

What is 2 quarters, 1 dime, 1 nickel, and 2 pennies?


Johnson has 3 quarters and 4 pennies, and Jenkins has 7 dimes and 5 pennies. This is who has more money

Who is Johnson?


This coin has a picture of a caribou on it.

What is a quarter?


How much money you should get back if you buy a $3.70 item with a $10

What is $6.30?


How much money I will have if I add 3 quarters and a penny to 30 cents

What is $1.06?


This is how to make 99 cents with the lowest amount of coins

What is 3 quarters, 2 dimes, and 4 pennies


You have a 2 dimes and a nickel in your pocket. You find a quarter, a dime, a nickel, and a penny on the floor. This is how much money you have now

What is 66 cents?


You will find the animal on this coin in any of Canada's many lakes.

A loonie.