Getting into Debt
Smart Choices
Paying for College
The cost of rent, electricity, gas, cell phone, food, entertainment, and clothing added up for a month
What is a budget
Making only the minimum payments on the remaining balance costs more long term, including an interest charge or finance fee on....
What are credit cards
This term is defined as something you MUST have
What is a need
Pell grants, loans, and work study funds are ALL ________
What is federal student aid
These can change your budget unexpectedly
What is a car accident, loss of employment, and winning the lottery
These are 2 disadvantages of using a credit card- higher interest rates and missing a payment is costly. Name the 3rd disadvantage……
What is they are easy to use
You decide to withdrawal from a class and receive a W on your official college transcript...This will affect....
What is completion rate
If you have to borrow pursue ________ _____ first and avoid having to take private loans at all costs.
What is federal loans
Parents are helping pay for college and living expenses...you move out what do you need to adjust
What is your standard of living
Recognizing your needs and wants, living with others, moving closer to campus, utilizing low cost transportation or car pooling, and second hand goods are all examples of….
What is ways of cutting costs
You are working and attending college. Your boss offers you more hours, this means you will miss class. You need to ___________ and make a decision.
What is prioritize
Don’t put tuition on a credit card due to
What is higher interest rates
Paying these on time will build credit and avoid late fees
What are bills
These loans have high interest rates and result in a vicious cycle of borrowing and repaying
What are pay day loans
Keeping up with the Jones to keep up appearances can result in........
What is debt
Pay less for a four-year degree by attending ____________ _______________
What is a community college
A spending plan that tracks all sources of income and expenses during a specific period of time
What is a budget
Not paying bills on time including rent, getting a home or property repossessed affect this
What is your credit score
They’ve bought into the myth that you are what you own, and they simply can’t get enough. This means you are trying to _______ up ________. Resulting in more debt
What is keep up appearances
If you can you should _________ while attending classes.
What is work