This coin is copper in color and worth 1 cent.
What is a penny.
How much is 10 pennies worth?
What is 10 cents.
I have:2 quarters. How much money do I have?
What is 50 cents.
I can make a dollar using 4 quarters
What is the "face" side of of the coin called?
This coin is silver. It is large and is worth 25 cents.
What is a quarter.
What is the value of 4 quarters?
1 dollar
I have 3 nickels. How much money do I have?
What is 15 cents.
I can make 1 dollar using 9 dimes. True or False
What is the "back" side of the coin called?
This is a fat silver coin. It is worth 5 pennies.
What is a nickel.
I have a nickel. How much money do I have?
What is 5 cents.
I have: 6 dimes 2 pennies
What is 62 cents.
Abraham Lincoln is the face on the nickel
How many quarters make 75 cents?
This coin has the same value as 2 nickels.
What is a dime.
I have a dime. How much money do I have?
What is 10 cents.
I have: 5 nickels 2 pennies
What is 27 cents.
2 nickels have the same value as 10 pennies
What is the value of 3 nickels, 10 pennies
What is 25 cents.
This coin is the smallest coin in size.
What is a dime.
I have a quarter. How much is it worth?
What is 25 cents?
I have: 3 dimes 4 pennies
What is 34 cents
5 pennies is the same value a 1 dime
Name an amazing first grade teacher that taught you about money
Ms. Anderson Mrs Bragg Mrs Hopkins