What Do We Mean by Leadership?
Leadership Development
Power and Influence
Values, Ethics, and Character
Moneyball Fun Q's

The process by which an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal.

What is leadership?


The most productive way to develop as a leader.

Hint: The figure continuously spirals from action, to observation, to reflection.

What is the Spiral of Experience?


The power of knowledge.

What is expert power?


These deeply held beliefs influence how leaders make decisions and prioritize goals.

What are values?


This actor plays Billy Beane.

Who is Brad Pitt?


Group of subordinates that have a high degree of loyalty, commitment, and trust felt toward the leader.

What are in-groups?


Types of coaching: leaders who helps followers change and one that is designed for specific needs of people in leadership roles.

What are informal and formal coaching?


The ability to control people through fear of punishment.

What is coercive power?


This field of study focuses on what is morally right or wrong and how leaders should act in various situations.

What is ethics?


Peter Brand is poached from this baseball organization by Billy Beane.

Who are the Cleveland Indians?

Examples of these would be "Good leadership is all common sense" and "Leaders are born, not made."

What are leadership myths?


When you succeed, you affirm why you are a great leader. When you fail, you make excuses why the system is corrupt.

What is self-serving bias?


When someone seeks the help of others in order to influence someone else.

What are coalition tactics?


Treating people as less than human, often used to justify unethical actions or behaviors in leadership or conflict situations.

What is dehumanization?


This baseball manager, played by Philip Seymour Hoffman, is resistant to Billy Beane’s new strategies.

Who is Art Howe?


Two types of managers: those who promote through the ranks and those who make real contributions to the organization's performance.

What are successful and effective managers?


Learning that involves the will for one to go against their own beliefs and inviting people to go against them as well.

What is double-loop?


Potential influence one has due to the strength of the relationship between the leader and the followers.

What is referent power?


When a leader’s personal interests interfere with their ability to act in the best interests of their organization or stakeholders.

What is a conflict of interest?

The Oakland A's won 20 consecutive games after this player hit a walk-off home run.

Who is Scott Hatteberg?


Female candidates are more likely to be hired in leadership positions when the company is in high risk of failure.

What is a glass cliff?


You tell yourself that you have to work harder and network with the higher-ups to be promoted. Overtime, you end up getting promoted. You confirm your initial belief.

What is self-fulfilling prophecy?


Make requests based on position or authority.

What are legitimizing tactics?


This leadership approach focuses on the leader's role in serving others, prioritizing the needs of followers and ethical responsibility.

What is servant leadership?


Jonah Hill's character is based on this sports executive.

Who is Paul DePodesta?