Tracking Inner Conversation
Fix-Up Strategies
Grab Bag
What is the BEST track Juan could leave in our book about trees? A) Trees are cool B) This tree reminds me of the tree in my backyard. I wonder if it's the same tree. C) Are these trees safe to climb?
B) This tree reminds me of the tree in my backyard. I wonder if it's the same tree.
A fix-up strategy that helps us when we don't understand something we read. A.) Read to the end of the page to see if it makes sense B.) Ask the teacher C.) Just keep reading
A) Read to the end of the page to see if it makes sense
On page 8 of our tree book, what does the word "sap" mean?
What can we infer from the following sentence from our tree book: "This helps keep the air clean too." A) Trees grow tall into the air B) Trees help keep us healthy C) Trees can be made into paper
B) Trees help keep us healthy
Why does Mr. Gasper not have pets?
His wife is allergic.
What is the BEST example of a question track we might leave in our book about trees. A) What kinds of animals live in trees? B) How tall is the tallest tree? C) Does maple syrup come from a deciduous tree or a conifer?
C) Does maple syrup come from a deciduous tree or a conifer?
Jeremy just reached the end of the page and realized he can't remember what he just read. He should: A) Read on and pay more attention B) Re-read C) Look at the pictures to make sense of what he read
B) Re-read
On page 6, what does the word "chlorophyll" mean?
The green coloring in leaves.
What information helps us infer that Auggie is scared to start school. A) He acts like a baby and crawls into his mom's lap B) He doesn't get invited to birthday parties C) He laughs at his dad's jokes about Mr. Tushman
A) He acts like a baby and crawls into his mom's lap
What did Mr. G and Matt Triolo do to get into big trouble when they were younger?
They threw a snow boulder at a car.
While reading, Jackie writes the following on a post-it: "Why does it say the roots are part of a highway system?" What did he forget to put on his post-it?
The answer to his question.
Asha is reading a book about sharks, but she is not interested by the chapter she is reading. She should: A) Put the book down B) Draw a picture of what she is reading C) Read on
C) Read on
What is the correct definition of the word "store" on page 13? A) A place to buy food B) A shop C) To save for later
C) To save for later
Which sentence from our tree book helps us infer that trees are not as simple as they seem? A) The seed soaks up water until it can send out a root. B) Trees are homes and food for birds and other animals C) While trees look like they aren't doing much, they are working.
C) While trees look like they aren't doing much, they are working.
Morning: What is the most delectable breakfast food? Afternoon: What new vocabulary word can we use to describe Mr. Gasper's desk?
Morning: Bacon! Afternoon: Unkempt!
What is the BEST reason for reading the book on trees? A) To learn about the tallest trees B) To learn how trees grow and survive C) To learn about maple syrup
B) To learn how trees grow and survive
Which of the following pieces of background information could BEST help us understand our book on trees? A) Trees are important in making paper B) Trees are fun to climb C) Trees look simple on the outside, but are complicated on the inside
C) Trees look simple on the outside, but are complicated on the inside
What word is spelled incorrectly in the following sentence? "In the beginning, alot of trees are very small."
Alot should be "A lot"
What can we infer from the following sentence: "Trees can make their own food." A) Trees don't need a lot of attention in order to grow B) Trees will grow to be tall C) Trees require a lot of water
A) Trees don't need a lot of attention in order to grow
What can we infer about Mr. Gasper from the names of his table groups?
He loves Adventure Time!
Ronny just read the section of the book about sap. What is the BEST track for him to leave? A) Tree sap is food B) I never knew that tree sap is made into maple syrup! I wonder if it tastes like that right out of the tree. C) Maple syrup is the best on waffles. It's good on pancakes too, though. And bacon.
B) I never knew that tree sap is made into maple syrup! I wonder if it tastes like that right out of the tree.
What activity could BEST give us background knowledge to understand our book on trees? A) A nature walk through the school forest B) A visit to a christmas tree farm C) A trip to the zoo
A) A nature walk through the school forest
What is the predicate of the following sentence? "The seed leaves will make food for the new sprout."
will make food for the new sprout
What can we infer from Auggie's Dad saying Auggie will be like a "lamb to the slaughter?" A) That Auggie is scared to go to school B) That his dad is worried about Auggie going to school C) That Auggie's dad thinks he looks like a lamb
B) That his dad is worried about Auggie going to school
What is one country other than the US that Mr. G has spent time in?
Peru, India, or New Zealand.