Program Overview
Water Quality Criteria

This document states that the waters of Tennessee belong to the state and are held in public trust for the use of current and future citizens.

What is the Tennessee Water Quality Control Act?


The pH criteria for wadeable streams.

What is 6.0-9.0?


The reason for a monitoring QAQC program.

What is to guarantee the generation of precise, accurate, and defensible data?


Of the three types of biology samples collected yesterday, these two can demonstrate a biological response to nutrients.

What are the SQSH and the diatom samples?


This Memphis area waterbody was chosen for additional monitoring as part of Tennessee's Vision 2.0. priorities which include environmental justice and rural tourism development.

What is McKellar Lake?


This section of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act includes the provision to give grant funding to States and Tribes to establish procedures necessary to monitor, compile, and analyze water quality data.

What is Section 106?


The dissolved oxygen criteria for Tennessee streams (excluding Ecoregion 74a).

What is 5.0 mg/L?


The frequency required for verification of mercury thermometers used for checking temperature probes by comparing with certified NIST or ASTM thermometers.

 What is annually?


Name the Order and Family of the organism pictured? 

What is Order Trichoptera and Family Hydropsychidae?


List at least 2 issues the consultant for Browning Farms (CAFO) found in his review of TDEC's monitoring efforts.

What are sampling after rain event, incomplete COC, no temperature recorded when E. coli analyzed, sampling effluent mixed with stormwater, and geomean was not collected for E. coli ?


This section of the Water Quality Control Act requires states to identify waters that do not meet water quality standards.

What is Section 303d?


To be considered safe for recreation, E.coli levels must be below_____.

What is 410 MPN?


The pH can vary by this amount from initial reading to final reading each day and still be valid.

What is +/- 0.2 s.u ?


The height in ft above the water's surface that the spherical densiometer should be held when measuring canopy cover.

What is 1 ft above the water surface?


Order name and Family name of the organism pictured.

What is Order Odonata (Suborder Zygoptera) and Family Calopterygidae?


Name 3 of the designated uses for waters in Tennessee.

What are

Fish and Aquatic life, Recreation, Livestock Watering and Wildlife, Irrigation, Drinking Water Supply, Industrial Water Supply, Navigation, and Trout Streams?


The water quality criteria for temperature for fish and aquatic life.

What is 30.5 C?


Memphis EFO staff are scheduled to collect 40 SQSH samples for Group 4. 

The number of duplicate SQSH samples required.

What is 4?


If undercut bank/tree root is chosen as 1 of the 4 habitats sampled for a biorecon, you will need to do ___ jabs.

What is 2?


A geomean for E. coli requires the collection of ___ samples over _____ days taken at least 24 hours apart.

What is 5 samples in 30 days?


Name the four designated uses that are applicable to all waters in Tennessee

What are 1. Fish and Aquatic life

               2. Recreation

               3. Livestock Watering and Wildlife 

               4. Irrigation ?


The dissolved oxygen criteria for Ecoregion 74a?

What is 4.0 mg/L min, 5.0 mg/L average?


You must collect duplicate _____ at your first and last sample site of the day at a minimum.

What are field parameters?


Name four productive habitats that can be sampled for a biorecon.

What are riffle, undercut bank/tree root, leaf pack, woody debris, macrophyte bed, snag, pool rock, and sediment?


The most current assessment of waters in Tennessee can be found here.

What is in the ATTAINs database?