What is our profile pictures?
Who is monkae?
When did we start
what is march?
Who is in this group *he plays football*
who is lee?
what do we eat
who is trators *not bad*
Whats our favorite word
What do we do to our trators
we sacrifice :)
name one monkae
President luis
he does to much, and the president
Who is luis
what do we do?
we try to get others to join us
whats the word used now?
Less gooooooooooo - brayden
do we have enemies
who is mr. oran :)
how long do monakes last
I have no idea
He is just weird and a good freind
Who is mateo and joey
whats our most used word?
What is Yessir?
Most favorite teacher
Ms. larracaa *Cap, every teacher*
for all my monkaes when did we spilt
what is April
why did we become monakes
because we are born this way
Who are they: always vibing to music :)
who is akiva, and taylor :)
What do we spam?
Sacrifice!!! sacrfice!!!
For the OG'S , What was our favriote Gym teacher in k-3 *I think*
Mr. D
Whats our favorite meme
what are Monake memes?
who is the leader
libby G
Who is he: He screams poggies
Brayden ofc
What is our phrase?
Join or sacrifice