Gaming Time
The League
Monkey Gaming

Me and the boys do a bit of stumbling, tumbling, tripping, and blundering in this 2020 Ultimate Knockout.

What is Fall Guys?


The Indian Removal Act was passed in 1830 by this slave-owning 7th president. "John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it." 

Who is Andrew Jackson?


Rocket League was released in 2015 and was developed by this indie studio.

What is Psyonix?


This massive chonker originating in 2018 puts Buggs Bunny to shame with his sheer girth alone.

Who is Big Chungus?


Kathleen is commonly known to look like this animal.

What is a fish?


Make friends, battle with cards, or fight the villainous Herbert, in this classic computer game.

What is Club Penguin?


America figured out that racism is bad in the 60s, but it took South Africa until 1994 to catch up and end this system.

What is Apartheid?


Pick a lane and rush down top, mid, or jungle in this Riot Games MOBA. Don't forget to blame your teammates.

What is League of Legends?


This ethnic echidna was first sighted searching for his queen in VR Chat lobbies.

Who is Ugandan Knuckles?


Jabir has a troubled past of being incredibly racist towards this animal.

What is a horse?


One of the most renowned games of all time, this open-world action RPG is the 5th installment in Bethesda's Elder Scrolls series.

What is Skyrim?


This French-owned colony had a massive slave revolt beginning in 1791 that would lead to the colony's independence and to France abolishing slavery in 1794.

What is Haiti?


This global intergovernmental league was proposed by Woodrow Wilson in an attempt to achieve world peace, but his own Congress prevented the US from joining.

What is the League of Nations?


This classic meme has evolved many times before reaching his place in today's twitch meta, representing emotes like FeelsBadMan, FeelsGoodMan, and MonkaS.

Who is Pepe The Frog?


Aarav prefers to use this frame when mocking me about Smash.

What is frame 4?


Play as Zagreus and fight your way out of the Greek underworld in this 2020 rogue-like dungeon crawler.

What is Hades?


Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation was given in September of this year.

What is 1862?


In this hit game Rocket League, this certification will count your backwards goals while equipped.

What is Show-off?


The classic pointing Spiderman meme from the original animated series features a van in the background bearing the name of this police department.

What is the NYPD?


The Monkey Gaming group chat was created in this month.

What is June?


Duke it out as Spring Man and Ribbon Girl, among others, in this Nintendo original 3D fighting game.

What is ARMS?


This Dr. Suess story about a star-bellied species was first published in 1953 to teach children about tolerance and diversity.

What is The Sneetches?


This massive medieval league was composed of hundreds of merchants and markets in Central and Northern Europe.

What is the Hanseatic League?


In a still from an old Japanese Anime, the protagonist reaches out to a butterfly and asks about its origins. Although the meme replaces it with comical references, the character is originally asking if the butterfly is this other animal.

What is a Pigeon?


Kathleen called Pyra by this name when she was unable to remember the correct name.

What is Sabrina?