Important Events
Who's Divine Anyway?
Names and Features of God
Christian Heresies
Key Terms

Analogous to Judeo-Christian conceptions of the Apocalypse, belief in this day is a key part of the Islamic faith.

What is The Last Judgement?


In this iconic book of the Torah, Yahweh is insisted to be the one and only Creator.

What is Genesis?


The name of God in the Hebrew Bible, as captured by the tetragrammaton.

What/Who is Yahweh?


This heresy presented Jesus as elected to his divine office, partly inspired by the Baptism scene in the Gospel of Mark.

What is Adoptionism?


Etymologically Greek, this phrase refers to the Ten Commandments of the Hebrew Bible.

What is the Decalogue?


Occurring in 325 CE, this council affirmed homoousios, or the oneness of the Son with the Father

What is the 1st Council of Nicaea?


This Arabic term for the first pillar of Islam means to bear "witness" to the oneness of God and Muhammad as God's messenger

What is Shahada?


This is the mapping of human features onto non-human entities, like God.

What is Anthropomorphism?


This heresy conceived of Jesus' humanity as an illusion, or that he only "seemed" human.

What is Docetism?


Related to the first pillar of Islam, this Arabic term means "to acknowledge [God] as one"

What is Tawḥīd?


Taking place in 722 BCE, the Israelite people were exiled from their homes by this empire.

What is the Assyrian Empire


Meaning "and from the Son", the addition of this phrase to the Nicene creed sparked disagreement between Western and Eastern Christianity.

What is Filioque?


A bastardization of the Hebrew, this name was mapped onto God in the 13th century

What/Who is Jehovah?


This heresy resolves the tension between Jesus' humanity and divinity by asserting a divine replacement of the Word/Logos for his human soul

What is Apollinarianism?


One of the jinn, 'Iblis' in Islam is analogous to this figure in Judaism and Christianity.

Who is Satan?


This council affirmed the Nicene creed, which addressed the divinity of the Holy Spirit, in 381 CE.

What is the 1st Council of Constantinople?


Jesus is referred to in this body of literature as Messiah, Son of Mary, Messenger.

What is the Quran?


Within Islamic tradition, these infallible beings communicate with humanity and execute God's will.

What are Angels?


Sparking the council of Nicaea, this heresy understood the Son (as framed in John 1) as a created being

What is Arianism?


Arabic for 'Struggle', Muslims believe the superior form of this term to be spiritual (not physical).

What is Jihad?


Associated with this year is the forced movement of the people of Judah to Babylon, by the Neo-Babylonian empire.

What is 587 BCE?


In this famous opening chapter of scripture, the term 'Logos' is applied to the incarnation of God, Jesus Christ.

What is John 1?


Literally meaning "anointed one", this term refers to the diverse body of expectations for how (and through whom) God would fulfill his plan for all creation.

What/Who is the Messiah?


This 5th c. heresy holds both Jesus' nature and personhood as twofold, and referred to Mary as the Christ-bearer

What is Nestorianism?


This pillar of Islam asks Muslims to give a small portion of their assets to those in need.

What is Zakat?